They add new tools and new members every week, and look forward to growing and providing even more services to our community in the years to come. Check out our tool library at
The ToolBox Project is your volunteer-driven tool lending library open to residents of Lane County. We share tools, skills, and knowledge to empower people and build community. Members borrow tools for free or a low fee and gain access to building repair and garden tools to transform their homes, businesses, and neighborhoods.
Come visit us on Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-7pm and Saturdays 9am-1pm at 2235 Adams Street, Eugene, or online at Welcome to the ToolBox Project!
Need a tool for a project, but don’t want to buy it?
Looking for a lawn mower, but have no place to store it?
Not sure if you are ready to take on the task of keeping that chain saw in tip top shape?
In addition to our tool lending library, the ToolBox Project has partnered with the City of Eugene and Lane County to host Fix-It Fairs, events that invite the community to get items repaired at no cost. More information on upcoming Fix-It Fairs can be found at
Eugene ToolBox Project
Phone: 541-838-0125