October, 18th 2022 7-8:30pm (PST)
Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Sarah Warren, Zach Mulholland, Jeremy AAsum, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Suzanne O’Shea, Amie Anderson-Forbis, Diane Behling
Absent:, Ethan Clevenger, Charlie Sterling,
Guest: Interpreter Tomas Monter (Jessie Monter), Donna Silverberg, Ronni Joll, Simon Kemp, Robin Bloomgarden, Duane Sand, Whitney Farrell, Arjorie Arberry-Baribeault, JJ Johansson, John Prince, Alison, Pradnya Garud (OHA), Day S. (Dahill Shelvy), Lisa Moore (Lisa Domanick), Michael Kucinski (DEQ), Nancy Menning, Tony Ramos, Rep. Julie Fahey, Donald Hanson (DEQ), Vjera Thompson, Jane, Ann, Cia C, Miles Kelley, Andrea DiPalma Yansane, Tresa, Jose Cuauxinque, Chris, Bob Martin, Karen, Officer Margaret Mazzotta, Ryan Skiles, Nancy McNully
7:05: Welcome introduction to board election meeting: Lin
-Accomplishments of ABC for 2022
– JH Baxter shut down
– Surveys out at events for public input
– Planted trees
– Recycle events
7:10: Board member nominations for 2022-2023
7:10: Tai Pruce-Zimmerman nominated as Co-Chair by Lin
1st: Amie
2nd: Diane
7:11: Lin Woodrich nominated as Co-Chair by Suzanne
1st: Amie
2nd: Sarah
7:12: Sarah Warren nominated as Board Secretary by Lin
1st: Amie
2nd: Robin
7:13: Suzanne O’Shea nominated as Board Treasurer by Lin
1st: Amie
2nd: Sarah
7:14: Member at Large nominations:
Nancy McNully
Lisa Moore
Zach Mulholland
Diane Behling
Jeremy AAsum
Jose Cuauxinque
Amie Anderson-Forbes
1st – Suzanne
2nd – Sarah
7:27: New 2022 – 2023 ABC board elected
7:30: Eugene Police Department Presentation – Officers Marzzotta and Captain Doug Mozan. Spoke about concerns within the Bethel area.
Suzanne: Are there any Park service officers within Bethel?
Captain Mozan: City has Two dedicated officers to patrol bike paths and biking areas to help with crime “hot spots”.
Robin: Are recruits being more carefully screened to help ensure they are able to interact with the public safely?
Captain Mozan: Hiring practices and standards/conduct expectations are high which does narrow accepted recruit pool.
Simon: Seeing issues in various neighborhoods (i.e. trespassing, breaking and entering) within the Southern University Area of Eugene. What programs are available for homeless?
Diane: Any community outreach for public?
Captain Mozan: Issues similar throughout city. Continuing to develop and roll out programs to help connect with Eugene residents.
Diane: Can anything be done about illegal fireworks?
Captain Mozan: Hopefully new law will help address issues.
7:55: Ryan Skiles – Eugene Police Department – Crime data analyst – presentation
Provided statistic regarding crime trends within Bethel/City of Eugene. Some crimes have increased such as speeding, trespassing at businesses. Has been a decrease however in vehicle theft within Bethel.
8:08: Community engagement officer with Eugene Police Department Officer Margaret Marzzotta spoke at meeting about ways people can help safe guard their home/property. People are welcome and encouraged to reach out to her if interested in safety concerns at their residence and she can coordinate a meeting to go over possible solutions.
8:10: DEQ presentation by Mike Kucinski , Don Hanson (DEQ) and Pradnya Garud (O.H.A.). Spoke about work being done about area around JH Baxter and pollution findings from sampled areas. Sampling areas to be expanded to help determine where to begin clean up and to understand more fully scope of pollution in the Bethel area. When clean up begins focus will be on area sites found to have highest level of toxins and will expand accordingly to address the differing levels of pollution known.
8:43: Meeting minutes for September put forth by Sarah for approval by board
1st: Suzanne
2nd: Jeremy
Board approves September meeting minutes
8:45 Committee Reports:
8:45 Finance – Suzanne sent out email with details to the 2021-2022 Board. Went over rules for how funds are used by ABC with the 2022-2023 Board.
8:50: Civic Engagement / Events – Lin went over past and upcoming events for Bethel. Shared Screen.
8:55: Beautification – Sarah – Upstream project now complete. Focusing on mural projects and planning planting session for Herb Garden. Meetings every 2nd Thursday – 6-7pm via Zoom.
8:57: Pantry – Lin presented on Charlie’s behalf. Schools added to barrel locations to help donations be more inclusive for Bethel.
8:58: Transportation – Zach – Transportation director Rob invited to speak at next meeting to discuss wanted projects for Bethel.
8:59: Recycling: Lin – Last Saturday was very successful recycling event. Planning on events to occur about every six months – next date being planned is for April. More details to be shared when known.
– 9:00: Social Equity: Lin – Drae Charles will lead meetings – to be held monthly on the 4th Tuesday at 5:30. Focus of upcoming meetings are to help drive recruitment and committee membership retention.
– 9:01 – Motion to adjourn made by: Lin
Approved by board.