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Active Bethel Community Executive Board Meeting Minutes


Updated: Nov 30, 2023


November 16th, 2022 7-8:30pm (PST)

Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Sarah Warren, Zach Mulholland, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Suzanne O’Shea,, Diane Behling, Lisa Moore, Jose Cuauxinque, Amie Anderson-Forbis,

Absent: Jeremy Assume

Guest: JJ, Robin Bloomgarden, Reed Dunbar, John Quetzalcoatl, Catherine Rohan Tomas Daly, Vjera Thompson, Dharmika, Dylan Plummer, Robin Bloomgarden

7:00: Meeting called to order – Tai

7:01: Lin shared screen with agenda for meeting

  1. 1st: Robin

  2. 2nd: Sarah

Agenda accepted by board

7:03: October Meeting Minutes motion to approve

  1. 1st: Amie

  2. 2nd: JJ

Board approved minutes

7:04: Hours update – Amie shared screen- went over how and reason for to track volunteer hours. Board discussed tracking community volunteer hours for statistical purposes.

7:19: Name change resolution – Tai continuing to work on name change.

7:21: Due to no activity new volunteer was put in place to replace Nancy McNully. Lin put forth motion put forth to nominate Robin Bloomgarden as new board member:

  1. 1st: Diane

  2. 2nd: Suzanne

Board approved new member at large Robin Bloomgarden

7:24: Dharmeka – spoke about Zip-O-Lamenator sound pollution. Shared screen with attendees. Map of area and distance between Zip-O-Loggs and community. Played sound recording from factory to illustrate volume that can be heard in proximity to the mill. Requested ABC board assist with:

1.) Let people know about Monday night hearing

2.) Lend support to community working to reduce sound pollution

Zach put forth motion to draft letter in support of sound ordinance in Bethel. Board discussed approach for supporting group.

7:46: Discussed tour of Solar Facility – Grape Solar – Lin

7:49: Biking/Walking projects in Bethel. Catherine Rohan and Reed Dunbar – from City of Eugene Transportation planning team presented on ideas for upcoming transportation updates in Bethel area.

How to advocate – Identified process as part of 20 year plan. Looking for Community input.

Reed Dunbar discussed need for engagement including interactive maps that can have pins noted for areas tables events. Open houses for live/virtual meeting areas.

– Zach – Are there details as to how funds are to be spent?

  1. Catherine – Working through as locations are scouted that includes community input – helps to determine which projects rise to the top and are equitable.

  2. Reed – Once projects are more filled out will reach out again to community for feedback.

  3. Lin – How to include transportation as part of re-development for Bethel?

  4. Reed – City will assign people to help coordinate and will most likely include transportation in that planning.

  5. Amie – Other plans for Bethel?

  6. Catherine – There are – sent out email to board earlier in week. If needing maintenance for sidewalk/roads can call 541-682-4800.

8:15: Public comments – Lin shared comment – 12/8 at 6pm partition meeting about land development for West Irwin location. There will be a radar trailer put in place on Devos street. If you are wanting a radar trailer in your area please reach out to ABC to request.

8:19: ABC website – Lin – tabled discussion for next meeting.

8:20: Natural gas letter update – Dylan Plummer from Sierra Club. Shared screen- went over NW Natural having withdrawn proposed hydrogen blending project for Bethel area due to public lack of approval or support. Discussed push to require new home construction to be electric – sending out letter and requested ABC support.

Lin put forth motion for ABC to approve letter:

  1. 1st: Robin

  2. 2nd: Suzanne

Board approves support of letter.

8:36: Committee Reports:

  1. 8:36: Finance – Suzanne sent out email to board. 11/1 – new allocation around $9,500 – $10,500.

  2. 8:37: Beautification – Sarah – Working on mural ideas as well as Yellow Ribbon food harvest project. Committee Zoom meetings every 2nd Thursday of the month 6pm.

  3. 8:42 Social Equity: Tai – Zoom committee meetings to be every 4th Tuesday at 6:30.

  4. 8:43 – public comment – Robin mentioned new construction planned for Nelson Place off of Royal – across from Prairie Mountain School. Roughly about 40 housing unites planned – all to be electric units and build by DevNW. Possibly good group to reach out to learn more about development.

  5. 8:50: Pantry – No updates

– 8:51: – Motion to adjourn made by: Lin

Approved by board.


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