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Active Bethel Community Executive Board Meeting Minutes


Updated: Nov 30, 2023


May 18th, 2022, 7-8:30pm (PST)

Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Amie Anderson-Forbis, Sarah Warren, Charlie Sterling, Zach Mulholland, Jeremy AAsum, Ethan Clevenger, Suzanne O’Shea

Absent: Travis Johannes, Ed Farren, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Diane Behling

Guest: John Quetzalcatl Murray, Jason Davis, Tomas Daly, Veronica Nelson, India Bazlamit

7:01: Call to order by: Lin

7:02: Agenda approved by board.

7:03: Public Comment: Discussed developments on Lakewood.

7:04: April Meeting minutes put forth by Lin

1st: Suzanne

2nd: Jeremy

Meeting minutes approved by board

7:09: Golden Garden letter – discussed letter drafted to Logan Telles (City’s Transportation Planner) regarding speed bumps. Lin shared screen and read letter. Request sent to ABC by Veronica. Lin provided slow down signs and petition from neighbors signed for presentation to traffic board.

Letter put forth by Lin for board to approve:

1st: Zach

2nd: Suzanne

Board approved letter.

7:15: Hours update- Amie shared screen to show current tracked Board members hours. Reminder to make sure to track and provide numbers to Amie.

7:18: ABC name update- Lin – Update on the ABC name being updated to reflect Active Bethel Community. Can put in a request for name change at a work session with city councilors. Once approved charter can be completed.

7:20: Presentation by Jason Davis on county safety for Lane County Health and Human Division.

Behavior health program moving forward for Eugene- implementation of a stabilization center. Both residents and business alike are concerned with the growing number of safety concerns with regards to the impact of mental health within communities.

Emergency services are overwhelmed with calls/cases

More people are experiencing mental health issues, addition and homelessness and unable to find coping assistance services.

In particular there is no place for youth to go – limited places for youth services or tailored mental health services for youth. Suicides have begun to increase amongst children.

Lane county is looking to create a stabilization center by 2025 that treats people in crisis connecting them with long term solutions. Plan has support from organizations such as Peace Health.

Creation of center would help assist with:

  1. Reducing incarcerations

  2. Treat underlying needs

  3. Coordinate resources

  4. Increase safety in public spaces

  5. Reducing costs to the public for emergency response

The center would offer the following services:

  1. 24/7 open door policy

  2. Can stay up to 14 days – will receive a warm hand off that will connect them with the next stage in their care needs/wants.

  3. Connections to specialty and/or long-term support

  4. Staff will be well trained and well versed with different types of mental health issues

  5. Will be Person centered and accessible to all community members

  6. Committed to safety for all involved

Currently there is a nationwide effort to address the behavioral/mental health crisis.

When complete, the stabilization center will be able to accommodate the following:

  1. Referrals – Hospitals, behavioral health providers, etc.

  2. Law enforcement drop-offs

  3. Walk-ins

  4. Estimated capacity will be:

  5. 42 people at a time

  6. 14 adult respite chairs

  7. 16 adult short-term beds

  8. 12 youth spaces

  9. Total – 8,200+ unique people could access services

  10. 6,700+ Adults

  11. 1,500+ Youth

  12. Cost to build from start to finish – 19 million

  13. Annual operational costs – 15 million

  14. Annual revenue – 16 million

Currently no site has been picked out as of yet. Space needed for faculty will be 29,000 square feet minimum and will include admin space. 75 parking spaces for staff and community. Location will need to account for around 30 minutes maximum for commute time. Will need to be accessible by car, bus, walking and near to hospitals and zoned for clinical.

7:50: Opened up floor for questions

8:09: Bethel Visioning check in – Zach and Lin. Surveys being completed at zone events, etc.

8:13 – Committee Reports:

  1. 8:14 – Finance – Suzanne sent out financial report earlier to board for review. Need to renew with Secretary of State to continue to file as a non-profit.

  2. 8:17 – Events– Lin – Shared screen to go over upcoming events- Zone Parks, music, food listed for each event. Jerry’s, Bi-Mart gift cards for raffles.

  3. 8:28 – Civic Engagement/Business Relations – Lin – Spoke about tree planting, Dove Lane partition.

  4. 8:31 – Communications – Lin – Re-branding update- website forwarding set up to new link under

  5. 8:58 – Public Safety – Ed (absent) – Update tabled for next meeting.

  6. 8:34 – Beautification – Sarah. Went over projects geared towards bring mural artwork to Bethel, updated Herb Garden. Meetings are every 2nd Thursday at 6pm.

  7. 8:39 – Pantry – Charlie – Good donations still coming in. Will be sorting donations before dropping off at receiving location.

  8. 8:41- Transportation — Zach – Golden Garden Ponds- Will include advising committee request at June 13th city councilor meeting. Might have a road bond that will be sent to voters – will need to advocate to see what percentage of bond could go towards walk/bike/lights/ sidewalks, etc. for Bethel. Shared screen with list of potential projects to consider for attendees to see. Board approved moving forward with updates.

  9. 8:53 – Recycling – Lin – Will have a recycling event towards end of July – possibly 7/16 or 7/30. Emily and Penny to formalize event details to be shared at a later date.

– 8:54 – Motion to adjourn made by: Lin

Approved by board.


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