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Who: Bethel Residents, Bethel School District, St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) and local officials
What: Small-group facilitated listening sessions about the proposed SVDP Youth House in Bethel for homeless, unaccompanied teen boys.
Where: Fairfield Baptist Church, 3991 Elmira Rd. Eugene, OR 97402 The August 2nd 5pm – 8pm session will be held at Willamette High School, 1801 Echo Hollow Rd. Eugene, OR, 97402
When: Aug 1, 2, and 3, 2018 9am – 12pm 1pm – 4pm 5pm – 8pm (the 5pm – 8pm session on August 2nd will be held at Willamette High School)
Why: To listen and share information about the proposed Youth House in facilitated small-group sessions, and to identify hopes and concerns about the project.
For more information contact: Paul Neville, SVdP, 541-743-7121 Pat McGillvray, Bethel School District, 541-689-3280