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September 2018 General Meeting Recap


Updated: Dec 1, 2023

Our September 2018 General Meeting was a huge success! Attendance numbered 60+, gathered to hear from the ABC board and our awesome presenters.

ABC committees gave updates on the initiatives they’re working on. Anyone still interested in volunteering with any of our hard-working committees can find more information here.

Responding to Your 911 Calls

We also had presentations from Fire Chief Joe Zaludek and Police Chief Chris Skinner. Together, they spoke about responding to individuals in crisis throughout our community through programs like Cahoots, and the importance of those programs. There’s a huge need to be met.

Our presenters also talked about the lack of response to many calls that come to the police department, outlining severity criteria that determines which calls are responded to in what order. Chief Skinner is in the middle of developing plans to help EPD be more efficient with their existing resources, as well as acquiring additional funding to keep up with a growing need.

Full minutes are available below or can be downloaded here.

Full Minutes

Board members present: Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Co-Chair; Ethan Clevenger, Co-Chair; Suzanne O’Shea, Treasurer; and At-Large members Pennie Moblo, Alberta Cook, Bonnie Stone, Janice Kerber, Simon Kemp and Lin Woodrich. Absent was Douglas Barr.

Elected public officials present: City Councilor Greg Evans, County Commissioner Pat Farr, Oregon State Senator James Manning, Oregon State Representative Julie Fahey,

Special Guests present: Eugene Fire Chief Joe Zaludek and Eugene Police Chief Chris Skinner.

The General Meeting of the Active Bethel Citizens Neighborhood Association (ABC) was called to order, by Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, at 7:08pm.

Tai Pruce-Zimmerman gave a brief presentation on ABC and noted that everyone in the community has a vote. He noted that the ABC By-Laws state that Board elections are to be held every September.

Because ABC was just reactivated, and elections for Board Members took place on May 12th, a motion was made that those Board Members retain their positions until September 2019. The motion was seconded and passed without objection.


Fire Chief Joe Zaludek spoke about many topics, including Cahoots and Eugene Mission’s sobering program. He said Eugene services increased 600% from 1981 to 2010, and that 22,000 people were transported to the hospital last year. He spoke of Basic Life Support, and that he wants more Day Shelters for a safe environment. He also spoke of Community Court, that takes place at the library and community service including painting fire hydrants. Police Chief Skinner interceded that 98% of the graduates of Community Court do not reoffend. Fire Chief Zaludek gave Albuquerque, New Mexico as an example and their access/transition through housing. He said Eugene now has 50 cent showers at all public pools, Egan Warming Center in the winter and Hwy 99 Service Station, although he said the Service Station has a 60 person capacity and there is need for 600. Chief Zaludek also spoke of the importance of pets to the homeless and their social connection.

Police Chief Chris Skinner spoke about the system needs to provide services. He said calls are prioritized and that they cannot respond to about 80 calls per day, responding mostly to priorities 1, 2 and 3. 47 minutes of each hour are spent responding to calls, 9 minutes to writing/filing reports, and 4 minutes to proactive reaching out to the community. Dispatchers work 240 hours per year overtime. He mentioned that all bike paths have problems throughout the City.

Chief Skinner said you can contact him, with questions, at


  1. Can volunteers reduce homeless parking violations?

  2. The Huckleberry Patrol (bikes on bikepaths) helps. Illegal camping is not a crime – it’s a violation and the homeless have no place to go.

  3. How can we provide showers for homeless without having them at pools while children are there?

  4. Does UofO pay for any of the services provided for games and other University events?

  5. 50 officers for games are paid for by UofO.

  6. How do police respond to Neighborhood Watch?

  7. Can Planning & Development enforce code violations at nuisance houses?

  8. City Councilor Greg Evans said codes are being rewritten to address this.

  9. The City needs a crimes unit.

  10. There is no dedicated teams for drugs or other types of crimes.

  11. Detectives should handle 10 to 12 cases. Currently they handle 50 to 70 cases.

Committee Reports

The Chairs of each committee gave a short presentation on the purpose and goals of their committees, including:

Business Relations, Chair Ethan Clevenger Communications, Chair Ethan Clevenger Public Safety, Chair Lin Woodrich Events, Chair Lin Woodrich Finance, Chair Suzanne O’Shea Civic Engagement, Chair Tai Pruce Zimmerman Bylaws, Chair Janice Kerber Douglas Barr was not present to give a report on the Beautification Committee.

Public Comment

  1. Leroy – need to change landlord/tenant laws so landlord has more power to get rid of squatters

  2. Charlotte Brandt – A lot at East Irwin & Barger still has a pile of debris

  3. Greg Evans said he will follow up with City Planning “We’re on it!”

  4. Greg Evans also spoke to the Bond Measure for parks and pools. It was asked if a committee will be involved in plans. Mr. Evans said there will be a meeting November 19th about Echo Hollow pool. He stated that Parks & Rec is forming a committee to decide on funding. Echo Hollow will be taken off-line to fix pipes.

  5. Rene Grube – 200 swimmers from 5 high schools swim at Echo Hollow.

  6. Pat Farr – City & County meeting on homelessness proposed.

  7. Julie Fahey – proposed an event similar to last December’s event, at Willamette High School, with all reps discussion on homelessness.

  8. Greg Evans – YMCA plans to build 60,000 square foot building, with 25,000 square foot City library. He also mentioned proposed Golden Garden ball parks on County owned land (land previously proposed for County Fair Grounds relocation), and a future third Bethel High School. The ball parks would include soccer, lacrosse, softball, baseball, sports shops and food. He also spoke about proposing investing in infrastructure along Hwy 99, beginning this fall, and a jurisdictional transfer of Hwy 99, from Beltline to City, from a State Hwy to a City Street.

  9. Tai announced that ABC meets, usually, the 3rd Wednesday of each month and that there will soon be an election for a new secretary because Amanda moved from the area.

9pm Meeting adjourned.


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