At the July 2018 board meeting, the ABC board proposed a number of standing committees and chairpersons to run them.
For these committees to really be effective, they need volunteers dedicated to the growth of the Bethel Community helping out! While the committees won’t be officially recognized until next month’s board meeting, it’s never too early to get involved!
So here are the committees we’ve proposed and their proposed chairpersons. If one of these sounds like something you want to be involved in, contact the chairperson to find out how you can get involved! All committees are open to any Bethel residents.CommitteeChairpersonContact InformationCommunication CommitteeEthan Clevengerethan@activebethelcitizens.orgBusiness Relations CommitteeEthan Clevengerethan@activebethelcitizens.orgPublic Safety CommitteeLin Woodrichlinwoodrich3@outlook.comEvents CommitteeLin Woodrichlinwoodrich3@outlook.comFinance CommitteeSuzanne O’Sheabethelneighbors@gmail.comCivic Engagement CommitteeTai Pruce-Zimmermantaiprucezimmerman@gmail.comBeautification CommitteeDouglas Barrdougandkelly63@gmail.comBylaws CommitteeJanice
Full July meeting minutes will be available once approved!