I am writing because I have had a sore throat since September and need help.
Since September is a long time to hurt. My appointment is April 29th, which is too long to wait.
I have been to 4-5 doctors. Some several times. They seem to just roll their eyes and say something like I wish people would not come here with seasonal allergies. OR it is just seasonal allergies, no big deal. They were all wrong. According to an allergist I have no allergies.
I have been to “doctors” who without testing increase one of my prescriptions by four (4) time I had been taking. Changing any prescription, they think they can they want to change in…
I am writing because I have had a sore throat since September and need help.
Since September is a long time to hurt. My appointment is April 29th, which is too long to wait.
I have been to 4-5 doctors. Some several times. They seem to just roll their eyes and say something like I wish people would not come here with seasonal allergies. OR it is just seasonal allergies, no big deal. They were all wrong. According to an allergist I have no allergies.
I have been to “doctors” who without testing increase one of my prescriptions by four (4) time I had been taking. Changing any prescription, they think they can they want to change in…