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Executive Board Minutes – July 17, 2019


Members in attendance: Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Ethan Clevenger, Janice Kerber, Suzanne O’Shea, Pennie Moblo, Bonnie Stone Absent: Douglas Barr, Alberta Cook, Lin Woodrich Visitors: None Meeting was called to order at 7:05 by Tai Motion to approve agenda approved unanimously (motion made by Pennie, seconded by Suzanne). Open floor, public comment: No public comment. Old Business:

  1. Minutes of June board meeting approved unanimously (motion made by Suzanne and approved by Pennie).

  2. 501(c)(3) sponsorship (Ethan) o While 501(c)(3) status is no longer needed for the ABC pantries such status will still be beneficial. It will make solicitation of donations easier and make us eligible for a wide range of grants. o Lin will draft a letter to Essex requesting sponsorship.

  3. Billboard (Suzanne and Ethan) o There is an empty billboard on 99 close to Clear Lake that could serve as a “Welcome to Bethel”. o Business Committee will follow up to see if there are businesses in the area that would sponsor a sign. New Business and Committee Reports:

  4. 350 Eugene Carbon Footprint o Is offering a competitive challenge to teams to reduce carbon footprints. o Tai will set up a time for a demo and let the board know when and where.

  5. EUG Parade (Ethan) o Sept 22, 11:00 (downtown Eugene) o While it will be a fun activity it was decided that it is not the best fit for ABC board participation.

  6. EPD Auditor’s Office Meeting Request (Ethan) o They would like to present at a general meeting to explain policies and the best way to access service and to answer questions and concerns. o It was decided that the September meeting will not be good because of the elections. Ethan will try to schedule them to come to our January 18 general meeting.

  7. Bylaws (Janice) o A small change was approved to Article VI – Officers. o There was a great deal of discussion of Article VII – Nominations, Elections, and Removal of Officers. Janice will rewrite the first sections incorporating comments and will email to the board. They will be discussed at the next board meeting.

  8. Finance Committee (Suzanne) o Treasurer’s Report distributed and explained. o We can use HRNI monies for street signs promoting ABC. We need to determine what we want the signs to say.

  9. Events Committee (Lin – written report) o We have been invited to table at Peterson Barn’s Family Fun Night on Thursday, August 15 from 5:30-7:00 (5:00 set up). Volunteers are Lin, Ethan, Pennie and Suzanne. Bonnie and Janice will need to check. o We have been invited to table at the Community Resilience Festival at the River Road Recreation Center on Saturday, August 24 from 10:00- 5:00. It was decided that we do not have the person-power to volunteer for an event that is that long. o Annual general meeting is scheduled for September 18 at Willamette High School. The next general meetings will be January 18 and April 22.

  10. Public Safety Committee (Lin – written report) o Incidents are increasing in Bethel and more Neighborhood Watch groups are encouraged. Ethan will post information on social media.

  11. Beautification Committee (no report)

  12. ABC Food Pantry Committee (no report)

  13. Business Relations (Ethan) o Has refined the “pitch” to businesses for ads. o Next meeting will be Monday, July 22 at 11:00 at Abby’s Pizza on Barger and the 3rd Monday of every month after that.

  14. Communications (Ethan) o Next meeting will be Monday, July 22 at 5:45 at Abby’s Pizza on Barger and the 2nd Monday of every month after that. o The email mailing list was 127 and has increased to 182, a 43% growth in the last year.

  15. Civic Engagement (Tai) o The initiative to collect enough signatures to get the Eugene payroll tax as ballot measure has failed so this issue is not as crucial as it might have been but still warrants public education. o Tai will write an article for the newsletter.

  16. Bylaws (Janice) o See above. Meeting adjourned at 8:39.


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