Members in attendance: Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Ethan Clevenger, Janice Kerber, Douglas Barr, Pennie Moblo, Bonnie Stone, Lin Woodrich
Absent: Suzanne O’Shea, Alberta Cook
Visitors: None
Meeting was called to order at 7:03 by Ethan
Open floor, public comment: No public comment.
Old Business:
Minutes of July board meeting approved unanimously (motion made by Lin and approved by Pennie).
501(c)(3) sponsorship (Ethan and Lin)
Lin has emailed a draft of the sponsorship letter to Essex and has requested comments from the board.
350 Eugene Carbon Footprint (Tai)
Tai will set up a time for a demo and let the board know when and where.
New Business and Committee Reports:
Potential LTD route updates (Tai)
There is concern that there may be changes to Route 41.
The critical issue is that the changes will be published on September 1 to take place on September 15. This gives little time for public input.
We need to be proactive to build a good relationship with LTD. Motion made by Lin, seconded by Janice and passed unanimously, that Tai reach out to the Bethel board representative (Caitlin Vargas).
Community partner for plastic recycling (Ethan)
The city will no longer be doing round-ups. Instead they will have a system of community partners that are approved to drop off 2’s, 4’s and 5’s.
A committee will be formed (headed by Bonnie and Pennie) to move forward.
A discussion followed about how best to involve the community.
Beyond Toxics request for neighborhood matching grant letter of support (Tai)
Matching grant funds will be used to sponsor neighborhood BBQ’s and to provide stipends to canvassers.
Motion made by Lin, seconded by Pennie and passed to authorize Tai to write a letter of support.
Bylaws Review – Article VII (Janice)
Sections 1-5 concerning elections was discussed and some clarifications were made.
It was decided that the bylaws should be general to allow for flexibility.
Motion was made by Lin, seconded by Doug and passed, that Tai should write out a brief and informative procedure for elections.
Finance Committee (Suzanne)
There was no activity to report.
Events Committee (Lin)
We tabled at Peterson Barn’s Family Fun Night on Thursday, August 15. Volunteers included Lin, Ethan, Pennie, Suzanne and Janice. We used our bean bag game and Kindness Campaign board to attract people to our booth.
The city has approved Kindness Campaign lawn signs and bumper stickers with a 50/50 match (the Kindness Campaign will pay the match). Lin had possible designs for both lawn sign and bumper stickers that were discussed and Lin will incorporate comments and email an updated design. The ABC city allocation cost for 100 lawn signs and 100 bumper stickers will be $252.61 (the remaining $252.61 to be paid by the Kindness Campaign.)
Reminder that the Kindness Campaign Kick-Off is Sunday, November 3 starting at 2pm at The Shedd.
Annual general meeting is scheduled for September 18 at Willamette High School from 6:30-8:00 (reserved by 6:00-8:30). There was a discussion on how best to format the meeting. Lin and Tai will determine what needs to be done to prepare.
The next general meeting will be January 18 at Peterson Barn. It was suggested that it might be appropriate to have someone from the Egan Warming Center to encourage a church in our area to open it’s doors to this important program. At our July board meeting we talked about having someone from the EPD Auditor’s Office present, too. Ethan will contact them to see how much time they will need and possibly we can have two presenters.
Public Safety Committee (Lin)
Lin attended the Neighborhood Leaders Emergency Preparedness Committee on August 10. Discussion concerned ways to work together with other neighborhoods in the event of a disaster. One of the other neighborhoods has purchased radios with a matching grant. If Bethel participates in Neighborhood Mapping we can possibly designate a hub and purchase block radios.
Incidents in Bethel area are increasing so we need to encourage more Neighborhood Watch groups.
Beautification Committee (Doug)
No activity to report.
ABC Food Pantry Committee (Doug)
A special thank you to the Bethel Educational Foundation for sponsoring the ABC Pantry.
Update on Willamette High School activity
Teachers are in contact with Nathan at FFLC concerning ordering food and delivery
Students will be painting the pantry
Pop-up day pantries
Jennifer Ludwick will be helping with this effort
Burrito Brigade is also providing food in their new “Pantry Boxes”
Business Relations (Ethan)
Committee has finalized the flyer for businesses explaining the sign-up for levels of support.
They have assigned blocks for canvassing businesses.
Reminder: They meet the 3rd Monday of every month at 11:00 at Abby’s Pizza (Barger Road).
Communications (Ethan)
Newsletter will be finalized and sent to printer on Friday.
Reminder: They meet the 2nd Monday of every month at 5:45 at Abby’s Pizza (Barger Road).
Civic Engagement (Tai)
Neighborhood Leadership Council has formed a subcommittee on homelessness.
A discussion followed on how to build support in Bethel. The suggestion was made to have someone from the Egan Warming Center speak at our January 18th general meeting. We had previously talked about having EPD Auditor’s Office at the January meeting. Ethan will contact them to see how much time they will need as it may be possible to have both presentations.
Bylaws (Janice)
See above.
Meeting adjourned at 8:49.