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Executive Board Minutes – April 17, 2019


Members in attendance: Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Ethan Clevenger, Janice Kerber, Suzanne O’Shea, Douglas Barr, Pennie Moblo, Bonnie Stone, Lin Woodrich

Absent: Alberta Cook

Visitors: Sorry I did not get her name

Thank you cards – Lin brought cards for Food For Lane County (ABC Food Pantry) and Bethesda Lutheran Church (Plastics Drive) for members to sign.

Meeting was called to order at 7:09.

The agenda was approved unanimously.

Open floor, public comment – introductions were made.

Old Business:

  1. Approval of Minutes of March meeting was postponed until everyone had a chance to review them.

  2. Plastics Round-Up (Ethan)

  3. Ethan, Bonnie, Pennie, Janice and Duane helped.

  4. Collected 2 large bags (filled Bonnie’s pick-up – see picture to be posted on Facebook) and 6 smaller bags.

  5. Good turn out and lots of positive responses.

  6. Needs more notice and needs sandwich board at the entrance to parking lot to make it easier to find.

  7. Urban Renewal Update (Tai)

  8. 1st work session was held on Monday, April 15.

  9. There was a good explanation of what urban renewal is (Tai will post YouTube on Facebook and will email the link).

  10. Staff gave a rough estimate of what Hwy 99 might look like.

  11. Assuming it passes it will take at least 18 months.

  12. ABC will need to be involved in process.

  13. Even if it doesn’t pass, there was a consensus that Hwy 99 deserves attention.

New Business – Committee Reports:

  1. Finance (Suzanne)

  2. The date on the April Treasurer’s Report for HRNI was backed up to March 1 so that it includes information from the city that was not reported on March Treasurer’s Report.

  3. We have $200 for food and $200 for other expenses that can be used for We Are Bethel.

  4. We can also use HRNI funds to purchase a reusable dry erase board map. Motion by Bonnie that map be purchased, seconded by Lin, passed unanimously.

  5. The IRS Letter of Determination was passed. There is concern about why it says that we are a 501(c)4 instead of 501(c)3 because donations to a 501(c)4 are not tax deductible. Tai and Suzanne will check into this.

  6. Events (Lin)

  7. May 15 general membership meeting

  8. Emergency Preparedness Panel

  9. Lin is having a hard time finding panel members, she will continue to contact more people.

  10. Refreshments

  11. Abby’s Pizza, Pappy’s Pizza, Thai Time Kitchen (waiting to hear from Putter’s Pizza and Diamond Deli).

  12. Lin will look into getting ice cream.

  13. Postcard/newsletter

  14. Needs to go out because food donors were told that their logos would be included and it needs to be mailed earlier.

  15. After a long discussion it was decided that it will be better to send a newsletter with both the May 15 and the June 1 events rather than sending two (2) postcards.

  16. See Communications Committee report for more information about newsletter.

  17. June 1 “We Are Bethel”

  18. We have received a $500 gift card from Jerry’s Home Improvement. Lin suggested using it for garden tools/flowers and raffling the items to raise funds for ABC.

  19. Performers include: Meadow View Jazz Band, Cascade Middle School jazz band and choir, Folkloric Dancing and maybe Son Jarocho band.

  20. Booths include: Sponsors Mentorship Program, Nature Discovery School, Eugene Education Assoc., Huerto de la Familia, Eugene Vineyard Church, Mexican art activity and maybe Eugene-Bethel Lion’s Club.

  21. Food carts include: Porky’s Piglet, Sweet Bay Shaved Ice and Vegi Motto.

  22. Public Safety (Lin)

  23. No new members and no contact from Neighborhood Watch meetings.

  24. Business Relations (Ethan) – no activity.

  25. Communications (Ethan)

  26. Learned a lot from 1st newsletter and got lots of good response.

  27. Next newsletter (announcing May 15 and June 1 events)

  28. Needs to go out earlier. Ethan will contact printer to see when they need the newsletter in order for it be received by members 5 days before May 15 general meeting.

  29. In addition to May 15 meeting and June 1 event, include recap of recycling and reminder to “start saving now” and ABC Food Pantry update.

  30. Lin suggested choosing and using one particular color for all ABC announcements. There was some discussion about how to choose the color but given the short time before the newsletter needs to be printed a motion was made by Janice and seconded by Pennie/Bonnie to let Ethan have the newsletter printed on yellow, passed unanimously.

  31. Civic Engagement (Tai)

  32. Urban renewal – see discussion under Old Business.

  33. Welcoming sign on 99 from airport. See Beautification Committee report.

  34. Traffic easements

  35. Bethel and 4J have received a grant from ODOT to provide easements including for Meadowview and Malabon.

  36. Tai has been contacted by constituents interested in two (2) easement around Meadowview.

  37. Bylaws (Janice)

  38. Janice made motion that all references to Steering Committee be changed to Executive Board, seconded by Pennie and passed unanimously.

  39. Due to limited time, discussion of Article V was tabled until June meeting.

  40. Tai announced that the Secretary of State will need new bylaws after final approval.

  41. Beautification (Doug)

  42. Suzanne is working on mural at Hwy 99 but it may not be feasible. May need to look at other options.

  43. Adopt-a-Highway – Suzanne announced that the Beltline from Hwy 99 to Barger has already been taken.

  44. ABC Food Pantry (Doug)

  45. Kalapuya High School

  46. Set up as dry pantry with option to add refrigeration.

  47. Should be ready to start in 1-4 weeks

  48. Teachers will order. Students will monitor.

  49. 15th Night is writing a matching grant proposal to Emerald Rotary Club for $2,000 (matched by $2,000 from Willamette High School) that could be used for refrigerators.

  50. Willamette High School inspection scheduled for April 19.

  51. Suggestion was made by Bonnie to contact Food Services about the possibility of having frozen lunch meals provided.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32

  1. Motion made by Pennie, seconded by Lin, passed unanimously.


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