Active Bethel Citizens Board Meeting Minutes Asbury United Methodist Church October 16, 2019 Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Ethan Clevenger, Janice Kerber, Tai Pruce- Zimmerman, Pennie Moblo, Bonnie Stone, Heather Quaas-Annsa, Douglas Barr, Jenelle Boyd Absent: Suzanne O’Shea, Yolanda Gomez Visitors: Greg Evans, Ryan Moore, Arlene, Ed Farren, Ted Vasquez, Tom Schwetz, Rob Inerfeld Meeting was called to order at 7:01 by Lin. Motion to approve agenda made by Heather, seconded by Tai and approved. Open floor, public comment:
Ryan Moore announced that he was running for City Council, Ward 8. His primary interest establishing more diversity. For more information see Old Business:
Motion to approve August Board Meeting and September Annual General Meeting minutes as amended made by Tai, seconded by Bonnie and approved.
501(c)(3) sponsorship (Lin) o Lin has emailed a draft of the sponsorship letter to Kim. o Heather will help with this effort. Janice will email by-laws to Heather.
350 Eugene / Carbon Free Challenge (Ethan) o Tai will try to set up a time for a demo. New Business:
Presentation from LTD and City: Moving Ahead (Tom Schwetz and Rob Inerfeld) o Tom and Rob gave an excellent overview of the 5 corridor options that LTD and the City are considering including changes to be made and estimated costs. o The five corridors under review are Highway 99, River Road, Coburg Road, MLK, Jr. Blvd. and 30th Avenue to LCC. o Considerations include walking, biking and transit in the same plan. o Next meeting is Monday, Oct 21 at Lane County Public Services Bldg, Harris Hall, 125 East Eighth Avenue. Open house 5:00-7:00, publish hearing 7:30 p.m. There will also be an opportunity for public comments online.
Long Range Facilities Planning Committee (Lin) o Heather is already part of the committee. o Tai and Doug expressed interest.
Process for selecting general meeting speakers (Ethan) o Three groups: Those who have expressed interest in speaking to us, Speakers that we would like to have, Speakers that our constituents are interested in. o Since we only have three general meetings a year it would be nice to have a policy for determining how to choose speakers. o There was a discussion on how to poll constituents. For now, we will bring speaker suggestions to the board meetings for discussion. o Heather expressed the desire to have someone from the Bethel Education Foundation come and explain what they do.
Finalize January general meeting agenda (Ethan) o Town hall – Julie Fahey will invite panelists. o Egan Warming Center has been invited; we should also invite Love, Inc. o Add a “Warm Sock” drive and FFLC foodcontainers
ENI Meeting Report and discussion of possible new committee (Lin) o Excellent presentation on affordable housing in Eugene at annual meeting. Eugene’s Neighbor Emergency Home Repair program provides grants to residents up to $10,000, zero interest, that do not need to be repaid until the property is sold. Rental Rehab, low interest loans are available. River Road Neighborhood Association was instrumental in helping to set guidelines for an Affordable Housing project in their area which included sustainable building and incorporation into the community including a community house with programming for the wider community. o Lin will look into joining. Committee Reports:
Finance (Janice gave report for Suzanne) o $325.50 has been spent from HRNI funds for Kindness Campaign lawn signs and bumper stickers o $4.00 donation has been received for ABC account. Current balance is $346.89.
Events (Lin) o Booo Barn – October 25, 5:30-7:00. Lin, Bonnie, Pennie, Duane and Janice signed up to help. We will have our bean bag board and candy prizes, committee sign-up sheets etc, and Neighborhood Watch information. o City of Kindness Celebration – Sunday, Nov 3, 2:00 p.m. at the Shedd. Lawn signs have been distributed to Bethel schools, bumper stickers have been handed out and more ordered. o General Meeting/Bethel Town Hall – Saturday, January 18, 6:00-8:30 at Peterson Barn. Panelists to include Sen. Manning, Commissioner Farr, Councilor Evans, EWEB Commissioner and School Board Chair. o ABC Scavenger Hunt – details to follow o We Are Bethel – June 6, 2020, 12:00-4:00 p.m. Most of last year’s booths are returning, more school bands and Peterson Barn will advertise in their “Barnie” flyer so should be even bigger than last year.
Public Safety (Lin) o Neighborhood Leaders Emergency Preparedness Committee met on September 28. o Bethesda Disaster Preparedness Team had their first meeting on October 14.
Beautification (Doug) o Doug will meet with Greg Evans to discuss the possibility of a park on Highway 99.
ABC Food Pantry (Doug) o Has received more shelves from Valley Restaurant Equipment. o Currently waiting for approval from Oregon Food Bank. o Once we receive approval will need volunteers for weekly food deliveries to the schools. Tuesday is the best day for KHS.
Business Relations (Ethan) o Meets the 3rd Monday, 11:00-12:00 at Farmers Union Coffee Roasters. o This committee needs a chair. o Promotes an online business directory for Bethel businesses.
Communications (Ethan) o Recycling event added to Facebook and email newsletter. o LTD meeting will be added to Facebook. o Email newsletter is up another 24 subscriptions.
Civic Engagement (Tai) o Working with Councilman Evans to bring investment into Bethel. o Working to revive committee.
Bylaws (Janice) – no report.
Recycling (Bonnie) o Saturday, October 26, 10:00-2:00 at Bethesda Church. o #2, #4, and #5 clean with labels and adhesive removed. Meeting adjourned at 8:36 – Motion to adjourn made by Tai, seconded by Pennie.