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Executive Board Meeting Minutes – February 19, 2020


Members in attendance: Ethan Clevenger, Janice Kerber, Suzanne O’Shea, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Pennie Moblo, Bonnie Stone, Heather Quaas-Annsa,

Absent: Lin Woodrich, Douglas Barr, Jenelle Boyd

Visitors: Ann Richer, Richard Greene (Beautification Committee), Simon Kemp

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Ethan.

  1. Motion to approve agenda as amended made by Tai, seconded by Suzanne and passed.

Open Floor Comment:

  1. Bethel Education Foundation is having their Adult Prom on February 29th.

Old Business:

  1. Motion to approve January Bethel Town Hall and General Meeting minutes as amended made by Heather, seconded by Bonnie and passed. Minutes should be posted in Google Drive and on our website.

New Business:

  1. Annual Report Recap (Ethan)

  2. Ethan and Lin completed and submitted report to city.

  3. Suggestions for next year:

  4. Ethan would like to have a work session to get input from all board members

  5. Keep track of volunteer hours as that is part of the report. Ethan will email a spreadsheet to report hours.

  6. Neighborhood Matching Grants – Large Project Applications Open (Ethan)

  7. Large Matching Grants are for more than $5,000 and are accepted only for a certain time period – the time period has opened for this cycle.

  8. Small Matching Grants are for less than $5,000 and can be submitted at any time.

  9. Required match can be value of labor.

  10. Suggested projects:

  11. Eliminate graffiti – Holly and Bruce are already doing this. Suzanne will forward Lin’s email about matching grants to them.

  12. Anti-litter campaign – signs, adopt-a-block, trash cans.

Committee Reports:

  1. Finance (Suzanne)

  2. Treasurer’s Report was handed out.

  3. Discussion on how to use donation for food pantries.

  4. Pantry coordinator at Kalapuya High School has asked for funds for toiletries. It was decided that since the donation was made for the food pantry that it should not be used for personal items. The Bethel Education Foundation can provide toiletries. Janice will give the KHS coordinator information on how to request funds.

  5. We will discuss how to use funds at our next meeting.

  6. Ethan will change the link on our website so that donations will go to the Bethel Education Foundation.

  7. Events (Lin) – No report.

  8. Public Safety (general discussion)

  9. Golden Garden neighbors are promoting Neighborhood Watch. They have divided the area north of Barger into 6 areas. Holly and Bruce are working on this.

  10. A group of youth are hassling pedestrians. The police have been contacted. We need to be aware of the situation and need to document any incidents.

  11. Beautification (Doug) – No report.

  12. ABC Food Pantry (Janice)

  13. Kalapuya High School pantry has ordered 300-500 pounds of food for the last few weeks.

  14. Ethan will ask for volunteers with trucks to help deliver food.

  15. Business Relations (Ethan)

  16. Ethan asked for a volunteer to contact the Airport Rotary since they are already working with businesses along Hwy 99.

  17. Communications (Ethan)

  18. There is a list of items for the newsletter but the problem is coordinating those items in a timely fashion with newsletter publication date.

  19. It would be helpful if there were a set schedule for newsletter publication. For example, 3 times a year to be mailed a certain number of days before each general meeting with a deadline for when items need to be to Amy.

  20. Contact Amy if you have any items that you would like included. Ethan will send out Amy’s contact information.

  21. Civic Engagement (Tai)

  22. Committee has met twice.

  23. 1st time – 10 participants including Councilor Evans. Discussed the 2015 Building a Better Bethel report.

  24. 2nd time – 7 participants to discuss priorities and plans for drafting statements to be read at city council meetings.

  25. Tai will email those statements to board members.

  26. Feb 10 – Lin spoke at city council advocating on behalf of Bethel. Plan is to have several members to read priority statements at future city council meetings.

  27. Next committee meeting is Wednesday, March 4, 7:00 pm at Abby’s

  28. Recycling (Bonnie)

  29. Will try to set up next recycling in April.

  30. Recycling committee will need more help in order to screen and sort incoming recyclables.

  31. Bylaws (Janice)

  32. Review of Article VII was completed. Janice will email the revised article.

  33. Article VIII with recommendations was handed out.

Meeting adjourned at 8:27


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