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Executive Board Meeting Minutes – December 18, 2019


Active Bethel Citizens

Board Meeting Minutes

Asbury United Methodist Church

December 18, 2019

Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Ethan Clevenger, Janice Kerber, Suzanne O’Shea, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Pennie Moblo, Bonnie Stone, Douglas Barr, Jenelle Boyd

Absent: Heather Quaas-Annsa, Yolanda Gomez

Visitors: Linda Perrine

Meeting was called to order at 7:04 by Lin.

Motion to approve agenda made by Janice, seconded by Pennie and approved.

Old Business:

  1. Motion to approve November Board Meeting minutes made by Suzanne, seconded by Bonnie and approved. Minutes should be posted in Google Drive and on our website.

  2. ENI membership for 501(c)(3) sponsorship (Lin)

  3. Membership is free if submitted before March. However, there is a 5% fee for donations received.

  4. Motion to have Lin submit application made by Tai, seconded by Bonnie, and passed.

New Business:

  1. 350 Eugene/Carbon Free Challenge (Linda Perrine)

  2. Explanation of Carbon Free Challenge

  3. Very robust carbon footprint calculation of personal emissions including electricity, heat/cooling, cars, air travel, and food/waste. Also includes suggestions for further carbon reductions and educational information.

  4. The challenge is for both teams (groups of 10 households or less) and community groups (groups larger than 10 households, businesses, schools, churches).

  5. 350 Eugene’s focus is on policy (Eugene Climate Action Plan, Lane County Climate Action Plan) and climate activism (campaigns, strikes).

  6. For more information:

  7. email

  8. website

  9. Goals (Lin)

  10. A list of individual board member goals was distributed.

  11. Board members were asked to review the list so that they could be discussed and prioritized at our February board meeting.

  12. Report of meeting with City Manager (Ethan & Lin)

  13. Handout was distributed with responses to questions that were submitted by board members in advance of the meeting.

  14. The report “Building a Better Bethel” was distributed. Please review this information to determine if we can build on any of the ideas or use as the basis for a panel discussion possibly in May.

Committee Reports (abbreviated due to lack of time):

  1. Finance (Suzanne)

  2. Treasurer’s Report was handed out.

  3. Events (Lin)

  4. General Meeting/Bethel Town Hall scheduled for Saturday, January 18, 2020 from 6:00-8:30 at Peterson Barn.

  5. We Are Bethel scheduled for June 6, 2020 from noon-4:00 at Peterson Barn.

  6. Lin presented prototype of a yard sign to advertise our meetings. It includes our logo and the words MEETING TODAY in large letters and a place to attach meeting details. She will email to everyone for comments and if and how many to purchase using city funds.

  7. Public Safety (Lin)

  8. Public Safety Committee met at Abby’s Pizza on December 3 from 6:00-7:00. Speakers were Officer Margaret Mazzotta, Bethel Crime Prevention Specialist and Ed Farren, local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) member.

  9. Next meeting will be at Abby’s Pizza on January 6 from 6:00-7:00. Speakers will be Margaret Mazzotta, Hilary Mankofsky (Safe Routes to School) and Ed Farren.

  10. Beautification (Doug)

  11. No report.

  12. ABC Food Pantry (Doug)

  13. Both pantries are up and running. Kalapuya High School pantry is serving around 150 students (all student at KHS qualify). Doug does not know how many are being served at Willamette High School. WHS is working to destigmatize food pantry usage.

  14. Both schools have a Rotary Club that is also supporting efforts.

  15. Delivery is every Thursday, pick-up at 2:30 at FFLC on West Broadway and Chambers and Doug could use help.

  16. Business Relations (Ethan)

  17. Refer to #5 on the Q&A report from the business meeting with city manager.

  18. Communications (Ethan)

  19. Get in touch with Amy if you have anything for the newsletter.

  20. Civic Engagement (Tai)

  21. No report.

  22. Recycling (Bonnie)

  23. Saturday, January 11, 10:00-2:00 at Bethesda Church west parking lot.

  24. Bonnie and Pennie need help, please let them know when you are available.

  25. Bylaws (Janice)

  26. Review & finalize Bylaw Article VII (Janice) – postponed until February Board meeting.

Announcement – Egan Warming Center Trainings

  1. Thursday, December 19, 6:30-8:30, Memorial Building, 765 A Street, Springfield.

  2. Monday, January 13, 6:30-8:30, Temple Beth Israel, 1175 East 29th Ave, Eugene.

Meeting adjourned at 8:43.


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