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Writer's pictureLin Woodrich

Be Two Weeks Ready!

from Dawn Scott, B2WR Coordinator and Ready NW Eugene Co-Chair


The State of Oregon has released an exciting new 8-module tool kit for training people in emergency preparedness called Be 2 Weeks Ready (B2WR). I have trained to be a coordinator for B2WR. I am hoping others in Bethel will want to be coordinators and we can work together to launch the training this year. To learn more about this B2WR program:


·      The tool kit is available in the link below. It is a very large file but you can download separate module items if you wish. The State will print and provide copies of these tool kits when we begin training.

There were online 4-hour coordinator trainings later this summer. Email, if interested in attending another coordinator training. At these training sessions you review the materials and the program and receive guides for coordinating and training with these materials.


·      If you want to start by just taking the toolkit training that is also great. You can just study the materials on your own. If you wish to work in a group setting to enable your community to work together during an emergency, now is a good time to get started. Talk with others in your community about this upcoming opportunity, share the above information, and maybe record some details of who is interested so you will be ready when we start to do further organizing later this year. (A community can be anything from a block in your neighborhood to a church group or people you work with for instance.)


If you have questions or suggestions after looking at the above materials or want to be put on a wait list for training in Bethel, you can contact Dawn at  with a subject line of B2WR.


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