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Annual General Meeting Minutes – September 18, 2019


Members in attendance: Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Ethan Clevenger, Suzanne O’Shea, Janice Kerber, Douglas Barr, Pennie Moblo, Bonnie Stone, Lin Woodrich

Absent: Alberta Cook

Meeting was called to order at 6:37 by Ethan

Motion to approve agenda made by Tai, seconded by Janice and approved.

Introduction of current board.

New Business

Elections were postponed until the end of the meeting to allow for more

members to be in attendance but are being reported first as the main

order of business.

Election Results:*

Co-chairs: Lin Woodrich and Ethan Clevenger

Treasurer: Suzanne O’Shea

Secretary: Janice Kerber


Tai Pruce-Zimmerman

Douglas Barr

Pennie Moblo

Bonnie Stone

Yolanda Gomez

Heather Quaas-Annsa

Jenelle Boyd

Committee Reports:

  1. Finance Committee (Suzanne)

  2. Treasurer’s Report was distributed.

  3. HRNI funds, which are very restricted in use, have been used to pay for printing and mailing of the newsletter.

  4. ABC General Fund has an ending balance of $342.90 part of which will be needed to state filings in May.

  5. Expenditures that have been incurred by board members but not reimbursed total $429.63.

  6. Beautification (Doug)

  7. No activity.

  8. Pantry (Doug)

  9. ABC has been approved as a partner agency with Food For Lane County. Along with FFLC, 15th Night, the Bethel Education Foundation and Burrito Brigade, ABC has established a food pantry at Willamette High School and Kalapuya High School. They should be in operations by the end of September.

  10. Students will be responsible for ordering food, running the pantry and dispersing food in such a way that does not stigmatize students receiving food.

  11. Events (Lin)

  12. Kindness Committee

  13. The Kindness Committee and the HRNI will provide funds for bumper stickers and lawn signs.

  14. The Kindness Campaign kick-off will be November 3, 2:00 p.m., at The Shedd.

  15. Public Safety (Lin)

  16. Lin has received an email from Lee Shoemaker with the City of Eugene about the safety bumps and crosswalk on Marshall to be installed in 2020.

  17. Hilary Makofsky with the City of Eugene has indicated the need for volunteers to the School Bike Safety Training.

  18. If you are interested in setting up your own Neighborhood Watch contact Lin (541-517-1304 call or text).

  19. Emergency Preparedness (Lin)

  20. Neighborhood Leaders Council is initiating a plan to enhance communications between all neighborhoods in the event of an emergency we will be calling the new committee Eugene Neighborhoods’ Preparedness Network (ENPN).

  21. Business Relations (Ethan)

  22. Working to develop relationships between local businesses and ABC

  23. Business Directory on Website where all businesses can post for free with levels of sponsorship to get extended services.

  24. Meet the 3rd Monday of every month at 11:00 at Farmers Union Coffee Roasters.

  25. Communications (Ethan)

  26. Includes Facebook, email letters, website and printed newsletter. Email letters are the most efficient and enrollment has increased by 43% this year.

  27. Meet the 2nd Monday of every month at 5:45 at Abby’s Pizza.

  28. Civic Engagement (Tai)

  29. Mission is to get people involved in government and build connections.

  30. Bylaws (Janice)

  31. We are reviewing bylaws, usually one at a time. This is being done at our board meetings in order to get the entire boards input.

  32. Recycle (Bonnie)

  33. Our last plastic round-up was a huge success, but the city has changed the process. Instead of having one collection day for the entire city, SaniPac is partnering with community groups to collect throughout the year. She will find out the end of September exactly how the process will work.

  34. Start saving your CLEAN, LABEL AND ADHESIVE FREE #2, 4 and 5 plastic now!

Public Comment:

  1. Ed Barron (new neighbor in Bethel)

  2. Ed, a member of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT sponsored by FEMA), is interested in expanding the program in Bethel.

  3. A lively discussion followed and Ed answered many questions.

  4. Mysti Frost (Beyond Toxic)

  5. Beyond Toxic has completed a survey of residents in the area about air toxins and asthma and will be doing a more extensive survey in the future.

  6. They have applied for a Matching Grant from HRNI to have BBQ’s in Bethel for outreach and to pay for additional canvassers.

Meeting adjourned before 8:00


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