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Active Bethel Community Executive Board Meeting Minutes 


Online June 15th 2022, 7-8:30pm (PST)

Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Amie Anderson-Forbis , Sarah Warren, Charlie Sterling, Zach Mulholland, Jeremy AAsum, Ethan Clevenger, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Travis Johannes, Suzanne O’Shea, Diane Behling

Absent: Ed Farren

Guest: Travis Knudsen, Steve Dietrich, Drae Charles, Katie Marwitz, Kenzy Seifert, Arjorie Arberry-Baribeault

7:03: Call to order by: Tai

7:03: Agenda put forth – Lin

7:05: Public comments- none provided.

7:06: Meeting minutes from May put forth by Lin to be approved

1st: Diane

2nd: Jeremy

Meeting minutes approved by board

7:07: Hours update – Amie shared screen summary sheet by board member grouping. Please reach out to Amie if wanting to go over volunteer hours over phone. Board discussed:

  1. ) Ed’s hours before stepping away

  2. ) What is needed in order to submit hours

7:08: Name Resolution – Tai

To become Active Bethel Community from Active Bethel Citizens. Will need proof of vote that board wants to change name. Sent out email resolution to board. Read resolution to attendees at meeting.

-Suzanne – Issues with alerting IRS, SOS and DOJ. Ask for copy of bylaws.

  1. Tai – When by laws are changed those will be filed identifying name change. Charter needs to be updated first before Bylaws can be filed with government agencies.

  2. Suzanne – All documents ready?

  3. Take – Not as yet- time lag as to when this is added to council meeting to approve.

  4. Motion set forth to accept resolution:

  5. ) Suzanne

  6. ) Travis

Board approves to move forward with name change. Calendared for official name change.

7:18: Katie Marwitz – City of Eugene – Engineering 2022 street bond measure. 5 year bond measure to fund repair/rehab of street. Have reached out to many city /neighborhood stake holder groups. Intend to use consistent tax rate approach for funding. Would focus on the following:

  1. Focus on pavement preservation – complete street repairs

  2. Dedicated additional street space for bikes, walking, buses, lightning, etc.

  3. Will use other local funds to help fund project

When all process steps are completed should be on ballet in November for public vote.

Project highlight – Bailey Hill road – past paving project – used recycled asphalt and content, add street trees, buffered bike lanes, etc.

Project selection – payment management system a data base of work needed.

  1. Social equity privatization

  2. Inclusion of transportation plan proposed board around = 61 million total split between paving project and active transportation projects.

  3. Possible future – North Terry Street (north end to Barger).

  4. Rehab roadway surface

  5. Sidewalk infill – add sidewalks

  6. Potential reduction of impervious surface more planted medians in center.

  7. Sarah – Will rain gardens be included in roadway upgrades?

  8. Lin – Will sidewalks be charged to landowner?

  9. Katie – Potentially add as part of project.

  10. Suzanne – Entrance/Exit at Beltline – on list?

  11. Katie – ODOT would maintain – will send contact with ODOT for community to reach out.

  12. Zach – Project list been approved?

  13. Katie – Not yet – Still in review process – welcome feed back to see if it can be included.

  14. Zach – Bike path – few scheduled for Bethel in comparisons to other Eugene. Is there a way to move these projects up on the list?

  15. Katie – Yes, if list could be shared for her team to look at?

  16. Jeremy – Traffic calming – how will this move forward?

  17. Katie – Traffic calming:

  18. ) Community asks to be on list for a speed study

  19. ) Traffic calming can possibly be included with bond measure.

  20. Diane – Other alternatives then medians?

  21. Katie – Rain gardens, etc. are possible along with storm water planters are being incorporated.

7:45: Presentation by Travis Knudsen and Steve Dietrich (LRAPA). Acts for local county wide governmental agency that monitors public air quality. Role authorized from Clean Air Act – gives EPA guidelines as to what pollutants can be put into the air. EPA decisions filter down to DEQ which then filters down to LRAPA for regulating air quality in area. Goal is to inform and educate public about air quality, monitor ambient air quality.

Businesses that create emissions – would go to EPA, DEQ, LRAPA regulations for proof they are following rules. LRAPA solicits public comment on issues affecting community. Proposed air permits, proposed to public – public feed back reviewed. 6/15 – Last day for outdoor burning for Lane county -Almost anyone can submit a public comment. Once submitted comments are made to LRAPA every comment is then reviewed and will be part of record.

LRAPA is required to:

  1. Respond to grouped comments

  2. To describe and determine if comments can be identified

What makes a good public comment:

  1. Unique

  2. Succinct

  3. Fact based (non – option with no support, etc.)

How can comments be submitted:

  1. In writing – mailed, e-mail or hand delivered

  2. Orally – at public hearing or virtual (i.e. Zoom meetings, etc.)

Comments can be submitted anytime within comment period (30-40 days in writing) If making comments at a public hearing recommend follow up in writing to help ensure part of permanent record.

LRAPA website has public note section link ( – can click on the “notify me” link on website to sign up for alerts.

8:07: Opened up for public comments

  1. Lin – Seneca sustainability – needed to talk with Beyond Toxics – requesting 30 more days for public comment to help explain proposed update for mill.

Motion put forth:”

  1. ) Lin

  2. ) Zach

Board approved motion

  1. Travis K. – Will need motion to be submitted in writing and will send form to ABC board chairs.

  2. Diane – Changes to rules/regulations – who sets these limits or defines standards? How can public propose reductions for pollution sources?

  3. Travis K. – Passed by Congress. Both Federal and State to regulate more and these are then passed down to EPA/DEQ to create rules to best meet intent. Is then reviewed before public comment is solicited.

  4. Zach – More opportunities to learn about permits?

  5. Travis K. – 7/11 – 4:30 before public hearing to learn more. Can also set up Zoom meeting with LRAPA to discuss as well.

  6. Zach – JH Baxter – was able to pollute for a long time – after action report? And rules/ processes changed at LRAPA?

  7. Travis K. – Clean air Oregon – passed in 2019 – added to number of pollutants that can be looked for. Determine how much of pollutant(s) can be released, where and who is impacted. Given more local authority to enforce safety measures.

8:27: Bethel Visioning check in – tabled for next meeting

8:27: Committee Reports:

  1. 8:22 – Finance – Suzanne sent out financial report earlier to board for review.

  2. 8:29 – Events– Lin – Need some able body people to help set up/take down canopies for next 3 events.

  3. 8:56 – Beautification – Sarah – committee is working on number of finishing projects, mural ideas, possible participation in the Upstream art project for storm drain artwork in Bethel. Meetings are every 2nd Thursday each month at 6pm via Zoom.

  4. 8:32: Transportation: Zach – no report for this meeting.

8:33: Recycling Event – scheduled for 7/16 – if interested in helping will need to reach out to Emily Pyle.

  1. 8:34 – Motion to adjourn made by: Tai

Approved by board.


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