April 19th, 2023 7-8:30pm (PST)
Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Sarah Warren, Zach Mulholland, Suzanne O’Shea, Jose Cuauxinque, Amie Anderson-Forbis, Jeremy AAsum, Robin Bloomgarden, Diane Behling
Absent: Tai Pruce-Zimmerman
Guest: N/A
7:04: Meeting called to order – Lin
7:04: Lin shared screen with agenda for meeting
1st: Suzanne
2nd: Diane
Agenda accepted by board
7:04: March Meeting Minutes motion to approve – Lin
1st: Suzanne
2nd: Diane
Board approves meeting minutes
7:05 Lin – went over task sign up for 4/22 ABC general meeting. Board members completed task selection.
7:28: Web hosting – Suzanne. Asked for board approval regarding how to pay for web hosting of ABC website. Board approved paying annually.
Jeremy – under WIX platform would include other costs for future reference.
7:46: Webpage update – Jeremy. Went over WIX platform for new ABC website. Discussed pros and cons for using site platform.
8:16: Lin – discussed work session from City council meeting with Board.
Committee reports tabled for next meeting.
8:34: Meeting adjourned – Lin