May 17th, 2023 7-8:30pm (PST)
Members in attendance: Sarah Warren, Amie Anderson-Forbis, Robin Bloomgarden,
Absent: Lin Woodrich, Zach Mulholland, Suzanne O’Shea, Jose Cuauxinque, Diane Behling, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Jeremy AAsum,
Guest: Heather Quaas-Annsa (Community Supported Shelters), Scott Smith (Restorative Justice)
7:04: Meeting called to order – Sarah
Approval of meeting agenda and April meeting minutes tabled for next board meeting
7:05: New business- presentations
7:05: Presentation about Community Supported Shelters by Heather Quaas-Annsa- Screen shared.
Spoke about Safe spot locations in Bethel and use of Calistoga huts. Discussed homelessness in Lane County:
4,748 – Individuals homeless
2,899 – Are between the ages of 25-55
Divestment in affordable housing is #1 cause of homelessness. Minimum wage not being a liveable wage also plays a part.
Organization builds shelters- have 14 locations in Eugene
Program also works to reconnect participants wit society/community
Apply in person at office – 1160 Grant Street Eugene OR – Monday-Friday – 1-4pm.
Huts are 60 Sq. feet in size. All communities have kitchen that operates with solar power, shower program ran through office location (offers shower shuttle if transportation needed).
Program seeks to offer wrap around support:
Provides Welcome tote that has essential supplies
Loads of Hope Laundry program
Maintenance crew for sites
Community partnerships, etc.
How to be a part of a compassionate solution – CAREing:
C – Contribute donations
A – Advocate
R – Reach out – Engaging with people, simple acts of kindness (smiling, mentor, etc.)
E – Educate – Yourself – Research to help fund solutions
May reach out to Heather if wanting to set up a tour, or receive more information about program: or 541-514-9335
Questions opened to meeting attendees
Amie – Are some shelters paired with Peace Health?
Heather – Separate program but do partner on occasion.
7:24: Scott Smith from Restorative Justice spoke too attendees about program being applied in certain court cases within Lane County. Shared screen – Compass question discussed:
-Whose needs/interests should be considered when we decide how to respond to serious harm?
Restorative Justice program’s approach based on needs/interests of all those impacted by harm:
People directly involved
People who caused harm
Community in which they live
The Restorative Justice program – works with Circuit Court – CDR Partnership.
Cases can be referred to CDR for Restorative Justice. Program details:
Length is typically 6-9 months
If successfully completed can have case dismissed (no conviction record)
For 2022 year –
66 court referrals
42 participants completed program
1 participant did not complete program
23 are currently in progress
7:47: Opened up floor for questions
Amie: Does program include consulting with schools?
Scott: K – 12 Application of method – toolkit discussions that would need to occur in order to include this in schools.
Amie: Does Bethel have this program?
Scott: Will provide email contacts to ABC as to good contacts for programs working with schools.
Amie: What types of cases would be referred?
Scott: At the prosecutor’s discretion – they are the gate keepers for who it can be applied to.
8:02: Committee reports tabled for next board meeting
8:03: Meeting adjourned – Sarah