In-person Meeting at Petersen Barn
February 24th, 2024, 3:30–5:30pm
Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Sarah Warren, Robin Bloomgarden, Suzanne O’Shea, Ed Farren, Maya Lazaro, Jim Koch, Jose Cuauxinque, Diane Behling, Eric Dziura
Absent: Jeremy AAsum
Guests: Fabio, JS “Mike” Negre, Sonya Spencer, Julien Arias, Karen Hall, Frankie Butler, Commissioner Pat Farr, Debi Ferre, Tresa Hackford, Zach Mulholland, Councilor Randy Groves, Sarah Charlesworth, Matt Keating, Alison Coluccio, Jeffery Wolk, Sarah Hale, Nikita Brougher, Senator James Manning Jr., Andrea DiPalma, Robert Sprowl, Ericka Tatum, AC Taylor, Randy Gudeika, Annette Tognazzini, Shana Tognazzini, Mark Bond, Cheryl Aker, Aaron Staniak, JJ Johansson, Nancy Menning, Brad Tatum, Kristin Bond, Sue Craig, Jael, Cindy Koehler
3:35: Meeting called to order - Tai
Board approved meeting agenda.
3:35: Meeting minutes for January put forth for board approval by Lin
• 1st: Jim
• 2nd: Robin
Board approved January meeting minutes.
3:36 Lin introduced guests Lane County Commissioner Pat Farr, City Councilor Randy Groves and Matt Keating, Zach Mulholland and State Senator James Manning
3:40: Senator Manning spoke briefly about recent activities in Portland OR
3:41: Fabio spoke about equity of community engagement and its role with neighborhood planning. Discussed issues such as how much housing is needed for city, preparing community planning strategies/proposals to help promote economic growth, etc.
- Climate-friendly areas now required within city - area where people can get all essential services within walking distance including access to food, health facilities/services, etc. Part of neighborhood development planning will involve the City of Eugene reaching out to bethel community members to understand what people want/need.
- Culture of Belonging part of planning process incorporated - What is your vision for Bethel? In the next 5, 10 years?
- Also working to create more actionable documents to make easier for community members to read/understand and that it is an actionable plan for development. Streamlined process to make it more accessible to all community members.
The Envision Eugene webpage will be up and running within the upcoming week.
Lin highlighted Visioning boards completed by Bethel community members on display.
4:10: Opened up for questions to attendees.
• Diane - Wanted to know more about advisory committee that is to be formed.
• Fabio - Provided a sign-up sheet for people interested in being involved in those discussions. His department is working to define boundaries for Bethel to ensure all members of the community can be involved.
4:50: Committee Reports:
4:50: Lin - Events / Civic Engagement / Communications - gave update on Food Drive for Food for Lane County. Also planning for We are Bethel event on June 8th - noon-4pm.
Also discussed Civic Engagement - Discussed meetings and focus.
Communications updates - newsletters sent out, etc.
4:53: Finance - Suzanne - Emailed ABC board with report
4:56: Public Safety - Ed - Spoke about emergency preparedness planning - if interested in volunteering please reach out.
5:00: Pantry - Maya - Spoke about upcoming food drive event scheduled for March 2nd, 10am-2pm at Albertsons.
5:04: Beautification - Sarah - Spoke about upcoming projects including Pollinator corridor ideas, plant nursery community trip, and updates for herb garden at Petersen Barn.
5:16: Airport Advisory Committee update - Eric - Gave updates regarding topics in discussion.
5:19: Planning Commission update - Diane - Gave updates.
5:24: Meeting adjourned - Tai