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Active Bethel Community Executive Board Meeting Minutes



November 17th, 2021, 7-8:30pm (PST)

Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Amie Anderson-Forbis , Ed Farren, Sarah Warren, Suzanne O’Shea, Ethan Clevenger, Charlie Sterling, Zach Mulholland

Absent: Travis Johannes, Jeremy AAsum and Ryan Josef-Maier

7:02: Meeting was called to order by: Tai

7:03: Public comment: Suzanne – Brought up issues regarding redistricting for county – Change for District 4 includes all Bethel ABC neighborhoods – Bethel schools under a single commissioner.

  1. Charlie: What are the implications?

  2. Suzanne: Consolidating demographic/mapping Bethel school district under a single commissioner – Final decision yet unknown.

7:07: Meeting minutes put forth by Lin to be approved – September/October

1st: Ed

2nd: Charlie

7:08: Meeting minutes approved by board

7:08: Business (Old/New):

Amie – New hours form to track time spend volunteering for ABC. Shared screen to go over new form.

  1. Lin: Would like to add field for Transportation committee for sheet – new committee being formed by Zach.

  2. Zach: Transportation for Bethel to increase Bike/Walk opportunities – and safety for these activities.

  3. Lin: Would like help to add data to website.

  4. Amie: Double checked that everyone is tracking hours spent

  5. Lin: Requested link to time tracker to be added to Zoom chat for people; Amie provided link.

7:16: Letter for transportation proposals for biking – Zach put together and Jeremy created map. Screen shared map and letter with board.

  1. Zach: Purple “proposed” bike paths by city city. Yellow is committee’s suggestions for additional paths. Red lines recommended to connect Highway 99 routes to Barger/Prairie Road. Committee would like more scenic routes near us connecting around Eugene to and from river.

  2. – Suzanne: Map with yellow lines – on Royal would this be widened to house the bike lane?

  3. Zach: Unsure of process to set up bike lanes.

7:22: Zach will bring mission statement next meeting for the Transportation committee.

7:24:  Tai put forth motion to direct Zach to send letter about additional bike/walk routes and concerns on behalf of ABC:

1st: Zach

2nd: Ed

7:25: Board approves motion.

7:25: Lin – Bethel capacity development discussion screen shared.

Went over homework shared by Robert Brack with HRNI:

  1. Where do you bump into people? Attempt to engage with issues.

  2. Which resources (groups, other non-profits, etc.) can be used a support?

– Zach: Set up a station to speak people or do a survey – where would that be?

Effective points of contact with public for outreach.

– Lin – River Road- had lots of surveys.  ABC may be able to setup a table to do survey work. Robert Brack will also be present at the next meeting. 

  1. Ed: Good idea – would like to hear more of what people would like to do.

  2. Lin: Did get a lot ideas during building a Better Bethel.

  3. Suzanne – Should have people to help engage others to take part of survey. How many parks do we have?

  4. Lin – Screen shared parks list and wet lands- 15 total.

  5. Zach: What parks are used in case of an evacuation?

  6. Lin – Screen shared with evacuation site map.

  7. Charlie: Maybe Bethesda Church would allow us to use site for surveys.

  8. Lin: Avoid neighborhood split up to name boundaries with zones names – that park could be center of that zone, types of beautification themes, outreach to parts of our neighborhood.

  9. Ed: In an evacuation situation – evacuations could be staggered by zones as a way to address traffic standstill. Next Civic Engagement meeting is on 12/1.

  10. Amie: Suggested use of QR code on our e-newsletters – the scan could then send someone to a survey – as an option for outreach.

  11. Lin: Have never created a QR code but would be interested in its possible use.

  12. Ethan: Researching options – should be simple.

7:55: Lin recapped past meeting about JH Baxter with local residents, Councilor Claire Syrett and Mayor Vinis. Beyond Toxics and residents – discussion about experiences to those living close to JH Baxter site including reaching out to both DEQ and LARAPA.

  1. Ed: Would like to see more severe punishment as a result of the company’s violations.

  2. Suzanne: Hard perhaps to prove if health is compromised.

  3. Zach: One of the last companies within the U.S. west of the Mississippi to still be using certain toxic chemicals. There is a civil case currently in progress against them.

  4. Lin: Screen shared penalties that have been assessed against JH Baxter from 1993-2020.

8:11 – Committee Reports:

  1. 8:11 – Finance – Suzanne sent out financial report.

  2. Ed approved report.

  3. 8:13 – Events– Lin – sent out earlier information – also screen shared with board the tree events (door hangers, tree walk).

  4. Lin/Ed – working on matching grant.

  5. Boo Barn was a success! 16 businesses had coupons

  6. Recycle event – trying to find a date that will work – most likely will be in January. Emily Pyle will still be an organizer.

  7. Possible Holiday event.

– 8:18 – Civic Engagement – Lin – Next meeting is 12/1 at 6:30. Would like as many people as possible to attend.

  1. 8:18 – Beautification – Travis (absent) – next meeting will see about an update.

  2. 8:19 – Pantry – (no chair at present) – Lin requested a volunteer for Pantry lead

  3. Charlie volunteered

  4. Ed – 6 places with barrels

  5. Amie, Suzanne, Ed to help with picking up donations

  6. 8:25 – Business Relations – Lin – Transportation crossover conversation, Boo Barn

  7. 8:35 – Recycling – (no chair at present) – no events scheduled at present.

8:26: Lin, on next Civic Engagement meeting, would like a topic and/or personal stories to help make meaningful impact.

  1. 8:27: Social Equity – Lin – Follow up for next meeting.

8:27: Suzanne would like meetings to be listed better on calendar.

  1. Zach: Would need a vision of what board is doing within the next 12 months.

  2. Lin: Had goals – but will see about creating one. Next meeting will discuss so everyone can bring ideas.

8:30: Tai – Will need to set up next round of one on ones with all committee members and co-chairs.

– Lin: Envision goals for one on ones.

– 8:34: – Motion to adjourn made by: Tai

Approved by board.


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