Members in attendance: Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Sarah Warren, Jose Cuauxinque, Maya Lazaro, Jim Koch, Eric Dziura, Ed Farren, Diane Behling
Absent: Lin Woodrich, Jeremy AAsum, Robin Bloomgarden
Guest: Mark Bond
7:06: Meeting called to order - Tai
Board approved meeting agenda
7:07: Public comments - Tai. No report for Livable Communities
7:07: Meeting minutes for June put forth for board approval by Tai
• 1st: Maya
• 2nd: Jim
Board approved June meeting minutes
7:08: New Business - Tai - Mark Bond to be member at large.
Mark Bond introduced himself.
Motion put forth to vote in Mark Bond as member at large
• 1st: Diane
• 2nd: Jim
Board approves new member
7:11: Contact sheet with updated board handed out by Tai to board
7:12: Bethel Area Plan update - Tai. Draft proposal went out by email on proposed areas - had been sent to those signed up on website. Board discussed. Early meeting for steering committee looking at plan for final review.
7:16: Old Business - Tai - discussed Google Workspace capabilities as to how it can be used for administration.
7:21: Committee Reports:
7:21:: Finance - Eric - Emailed ABC board with report. Jim discussed details about bottle drop.
7:24: Public Safety - Ed - Discussed alerts for emergency options. Can/how can ABC create a resource page for county/city alerts - possible using website. Spoke about “ 2 Week Ready” program - have enough supplies if unable to leave home.
7:37: Beautification - Sarah - Spoke about up coming projects
7:43: Pantry - Maya - Spoke 1st pet food drive was a success! 2nd Pet Food drive will be on 7/28 Albertsons
7:46: Events/Communications: Tabled for next meeting
7:49: Transportation - Mark -gave updates
7:55: Recycle event - Lin - No updates
7:55: By Laws - Tai- gave updates
7:56: Planning Commission - Diane- gave updates
7:58: Airport committee- Eric gave updates
7:58: Eric gave updates about Health Care Coalition
8:10: Meeting adjourned - Tai