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Active Bethel Citizens Executive Board Meeting – September 23, 2020


Minutes, Active Bethel Community General Meeting of 9/23/2020, ECF

House-keeping items, clarifying people’s names, instructions on voting or commenting by phone or computer, using the Chat feature, offer of Spanish translation if needed, Lin Woodrich and Beatriz Robles.

19:02, Meeting called to order by Co-Chair Ethan Clevenger.

19:05, Motion to approve agenda by Tai, second by Suzanne, passed unanimously.

Welcome to Active Bethel Citizens General Meeting with Elections, Bethel School Bond Measure and Disaster Prep information! I am Lin Woodrich, ABC’s co-chair and on the Steering Committee for the Kindness Campaign.

ABC Accomplishments in this last year:

Tonight, we will celebrate our accomplishments this year before we elect a new ABC Board that will keep working to Make Bethel Better.

Before COVID-19 restricted our in-person gatherings, we held a Town Hall on January 18 at Petersen Barn and local elected officials Mayor Lucy Vinis, State Rep Julie Fahey, Lane Co. Commissioner Jay Bozievich and City Councilor Ward 6 Greg Evans were available to attend and answer questions. We also heard from Tim Black, Egan Warming Center’s Winter Strategies Coordinator.

We had our first ZOOM meeting on April 25 where our theme was “Building a Better Bethel”. Our elected officials in attendance were: State Senator James Manning Jr., Mayor Lucy Vinis, Lane Co Commissioner Pat Farr, City Councilors Greg Evans Ward 6, Claire Syrett Ward 7 and Chris Pryor Ward 8. It was a great way for our elected officials to hear from the Bethel residents and was well attended.

Prior to our June 30 General Meeting on ZOOM, we held our first Bethel Business Alliance Scavenger Hunt that included 19 Bethel businesses. Our goal was to encourage residents to Shop Local. We had 630 entries! Each business had their prize to offer and thanks to Jerry’s Home Improvement Center, Bi-Mart, DARI MART, Albertson’s and Abby’s Legendary Pizza we had three Grand Prizes worth over $400 each!

After the death of George Floyd, ABC wanted to reach out to the Bethel residents and Build an Inclusive and Welcoming Community. We had THREE ZOOM meetings and are forming a Social Equity Work Group. If you are interested in joining, please send me your phone number in the CHAT. All of the meetings were recorded and are available to watch on our ABC Facebook page.

ABC, as a result of these meetings, would like to change our name from Active Bethel Citizens to Active Bethel Community. We will be making this change in the upcoming ABC Charter changes that will be presented to the Bethel residents and the City when we have it completed.

ABC‘s Recycle Event & Fundraiser on August 22 was a great success! Thank you to Bonnie Stone and all of the volunteers who worked hard and diligently and to all of the people who dropped off their recyclables and returnables. Our next event will be in late Fall – The date will be announced on an ABC email – Sign up for email at

19:7, Instructions for conduct of the elections. 

Ethan takes over the elections. Election for co-chairs: Lin Woodrich and Tai Pruce-Zimmerman run unopposed, and are appointed by acclimation.

Election for Secretary. Sarah Warren and Emily Pyle agree to be co-secretaries, and are selected for that position.

Election for Treasurer: Suzanne O’Shea is unopposed and accepts the position.

Members at Large: Amie Anderson-Forbis, Travis Johannes, Ed Farren, Madison Hibler, Ethan Clevenger, Jenny Boyd, Emily Pyle, Kimberly Holmquist are unopposed, and are selected by acclimation.

19:29, Kristen Dufek, Chair, Pat McGillivray, Assistant, Friends of Bethel Schools, Presentation on Bethel School District Bond Measure.

20:02, Questions for Friends of Bethel Schools

20:07, Motion to endorse Bethel Schools Bond Measure, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, motion passes 22 yes, 1 no.

20:09, Disaster Psychology and Preparedness, Ed Farren

What is a disaster? Wikipedia says

a disaster is a serious disruption,

lasting a long or short period of time,

that causes widespread human, material, economic, or environmental loss,

which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources.

In Bethel, the recent wildfires have disrupted our air quality and inability to access nearby forests.

The Covid 19 pandemic has disrupted Bethel by requiring social distancing, mask wearing, and closure of schools and businesses. People in our neighborhood have gotten the disease. Most have recovered, but some have died from it.

How do these disruptions affect people’s psychology? Abraham Maslow proposed a hierarchy of human needs in 1943. He thought that the needs for food, water, shelter, and safety were basic needs for everyone, and that higher needs like love, esteem, and self-actualization could not really be reached until the basic needs were fulfilled. So if a disaster cuts off people’s access to food, water, and shelter, we quickly become fearful, anxious, and unhappy. This has happened to many people recently.

So, most of the work I have done in my life was in the woods. And a large part of that work was my 31 seasons as a wildland fire fighter. It is definitely hot, dusty, smoky work, with the occasional exposure to grave physical injury. Was I fearful, anxious, or unhappy when I went out to fight fires? Not usually. There were definitely risks and hazards, but I was well trained, had good leadership, and was well supported with life’s necessities in fire camp.

So, the keys to disaster preparation are training, leadership, and physical support. My goal for the Disaster Preparedness Committee is to access the training and leadership which are available to us in the Bethel Neighborhood. If we get enough people involved, we will begin to have access to physical support. We are accustomed to calling 911 when emergencies arise, and most of the time we can receive help in this way. However, there are some situations when00 the usual First Responders will not be able to respond. In those cases, the first to respond will be neighbors helping neighbors. If you are interested in being one of the responding neighbors, send me an email at this address: . We have Zoom meetings on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00 am. There are a variety of roles that people can take to prepare, and there is a role for everyone. The first rule of disaster work is to make sure that you and your family are safe. When that is accomplished is the time to think about your neighbors. Thank you for your attention.

8:29. Lin announcements:

Neighborhood Leaders alerted by CDC that the normal Halloween celebration was extremely dangerous in the time of the Pandemic. Leaders were urged to develop new ways to celebrate, and the Peterson Barn folks have a good idea. It will be the Boo Barn Drive Through, on Friday, Oct 30, 6 to 8 pm. ABC will have a Halloween Joke Station. You need to sign up for a time slot by calling the Barn after 0900 next Monday.

ABC Board meetings are all on Zoom, and are every third Wednesday at 7:00 pm. The link is posted on the ABC Facebook Page.

The Civic Engagement Committee meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm, and that is also posted on the Facebook Page.

We also have a Social Equity Group. It doesn’t have a leader yet. If you would like to be on the committee, send your name and email address to

The next Recycle Event will be in late fall and Bonnie Stone is organizing it again. When we know the date and time, we will send it out on our ABC email list. To get on the list, go to, and there is a place on the right to sign up for the email list. We will be accepting recyclable cans and bottles at this event.

Meeting adjourned by Lin at 8:40 pm.

Active Bethel Citizens/Community General Meeting with Elections September 23, 2020


ABC Board Members (8): Lin Woodrich Tai Pruce-Zimmerman Suzanne O’Shea Janice Kerber Ed Farren Jenny Boyd Heather Quaas-Annsa Bonnie Stone Guest: Mysti Frost (RRCO)

Speakers: Kristen Dufek Pat McGillivray

Interpreter: Beatriz Robles

ABC Members (23): Kimberli Holmquist Amie Anderson-Forbis Andrea DiPalma Yansame Anita Kolendar Ann Richer Bill Mitchell Craig Annsa Emily Mooney Emily Pyle Greg Evans JJ Johansson Julia Timphony Kathy On Madison Hibler Mary Kirkpatrick Michealena Bohanan Robin Bloomgarden Travis Johannes Tresa Hackford Duane Carter Sarah Warren Alberta Cook Donnita Bassinger


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