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Active Bethel Citizens Executive Board Meeting – October 21, 2020


Active Bethel Citizens Executive Board Meeting Minutes


October 21, 2020 7-8:30pm (PST)

Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Ed Farren, Travis Johannes, Sarah Warren, Emily Pyle, Kimberli Holmquist, Amie Anderson-Forbis, Madison Hibler, Suzanne O’Shea, Jenny Boyd, Ethan Clevenger

Guest speaker: Peter Chavannes and Regan Watjus

Meeting was called to order at 7:01 by: Tai Pruce-Zimmerman

  1. Motion to approve agenda made by: Tai/Lin

  2. Seconded by: Suzanne and Ed – approved

7:03 – Open Floor Comments: only board members- no public present

  1. (Suzanne) neighbor would like to address noise pollution of airport- flight being diverted over Barger- can times of aircrafts be controlled to help reduce noise pollution? Lin suggested passing concerns along to Greg Evans. Kimberli to check with airport about flight path over Barger.

  2. (Kimberli) – brought up working to educate neighbors about the importance of wearing masks and adhering to social distancing especially around apartments.

  3. (Lin/Tai)- spoke about working with city government and Peterson Barn about incidents of teams gathering without masks or practicing social distancing (when applicable) consistently. Question raised if Petersen Barn will advise groups that do not practice COVID preventive measures that they will not be able to rent space for gatherings.

Old Business:

7:10 approval of September 16th meeting minutes– Ed, Suzanne, Tai and Lin- approved

Presentation about Rest Stop Program at Empire Pond Park

7:13 Presentation – Peter Chavannes and Regan Watjus (City Manager’s Office)

  1. Empire Pond rest stop – one-year contract to install Conestoga huts – Overview: Location proposed to be used as part of the Rest Stop Program (helping to provide shelter for homeless population). Shelter would be set up to house up to 15 people for the first six months. After six months would be expanded to accommodate up to 20 people. Rest Stop would provide hand washing stations, waste disposal, communal living quarters and huts for people to stay in. Currently four other such communities operating in Eugene – 3 of which are community sponsored: – Westmoreland Park, Skinner City Farm, Parking Lot 9 (near Autzen Stadium) and Bertelson Nature Park currently have such communities set up.

– Federal money grant is available until December 30th.

– EPD (Eugene Police Department) data analysis report for 2019 reflected a 36% decrease in calls for service suggestive that the Rest Stop program might help decrease some criminal activity in neighborhood areas.

– Rest Stop program also has a high success rate for people exiting the site to move into traditional housing, treatment programs and reconnecting with family members.

– Program also provides training for conflict resolution, communication skills.

Opened up for questions/comments regarding program:

(Suzanne) suggestion made about providing a tent(s) that would double as both a dressing room and shower space.

  1. Regan responded advising that currently in place was a mobile trailer which provides shower access three days a week off west 11th. Shower trailer is open to not just homeless but any person in need. Looking into locating an area for a more permanent building to set up a shower station due to heavy use of mobile shower station.

  2. (Lin) question raised about if or how electricity is available for the huts?

  3. Peter responded advising program is working with permitting specialist to find a way to outfit individual living situations with electricity/heating. Additionally, conversations are also in effect with EWEB for alternative solutions and possibly using solar power. Rest Stop locations do also include roughly 10 x 20 communal heating stations that can be accessed by residents.

  4. Question asked as to how people cook?

  5. Peter responded that residents will have kitchen areas.

– (Jenny) suggestions made for off-grid power possibilities that could be used to help establish heating for residents.

  1. (Lin) What is the cost for hut construction?

  2. Peter responded – cost is about $2,800.

  3. (Amie) Are there coordinators or supervisory staff on site?

  4. Regan responded that the shelters sponsors site managers however no one is paid or on site at all times. Gates are locked at night and they have residents designated to help monitor site traffic, keep site clean, etc.

  5. (Ethan) How long is site to be active?

  6. Peter responded advising that the sites operate under 12-month contracts. When 12 months nears to an end the site and its success will be reviewed to determine if expansion/continuation at that location is warranted.

  7. (Suzanne) Was there a way to create or start a fund to help establish shower stations?

  8. Regan responded advising other community organizations such as Carry It Forward might be able to assist or provide suggestions for setting up a fund.

. New Business:

  1. 7:45: Boo Barn Drive Thru update – Lin Woodrich – changing activities for ABC booth. As other groups are doing joke booths, ABC’s booth will instead be giving away pumpkins – 80 total pumpkins. Lin canvassed local retailers for donations for pumpkins- Johnson Brothers Farm donated pumpkins for use.

On 10/30 booth will be operated by Lin, Suzanne, Jenny, Heather and Bonnie. Amie and Kimberly will help with set up of booth. 20 Cars will be allowed into the Boo Barn at a time, every 1/2 hour.

  1. Additionally, will be updating and handing out the Bethel Business Alliance coupons.

– Currently 10 businesses are actively offering coupons. Lin/Suzanne are working to update and create an updated coupon sheet. Lin provided example of current listing during Zoom meeting.

  1. 7:49: Emergency Preparedness Committee – Ed Farren

  2. Planning meeting with Eugene Neighborhood Leaders Council through Zoom on 10/29 to discuss Wildfire vulnerabilities for area. Flyer providing meeting details to be sent out by Lin.

  3. 7:56 Social Equity Work Group Committee – Travis Johannes

  4. 1st meeting was held last Wednesday- discussed forming goals and meeting format. Meetings will be held going forward every two weeks at 6:30pm. First half of meeting will be open to the public and recorded. The second half of the meeting will be open to the public, but not recorded to allow for more open dialogue.

  5. 7:58 Adding Electronic Voting to bylaws – Ed Farren

  6. Tai suggested electronic voting would be helpful but would involve updating the Bylaws and/or Charter to include. Also discussed was re-looking at this topic next month as to how to make the needed updates. Both Tai and Ed will work together to go over details for updating Bylaws and/or Charter. Lin also recommended updating Charter to also include update to association name to include DBA Active Bethel Community.

  7. 8:02 Discussion of new committees/grants – Lin Woodrich

  8. Question raised if any new committees were wanting to be put in place. None proposed.

Committee Reports:

  1. Finance – report emailed out earlier. Suzanne to head this committee

  2. Events – Lin will continue to head the Events committee. Report emailed earlier.

  3. Public Safety – Ed Farren will head Public Safety committee/Disaster Preparedness. Additional questions about learning more about Neighborhood Watch requested by Ed. Lin suggested the Bethel Neighborhood Watch Facebook page and Nextdoor app.

  4. Beautification – Proposal for leader for Beautification committee- Travis Johannes volunteered and accepted.

  5. Pantry – proposal for leader for Pantry committee – Madison Hibler volunteered and accepted. Both Jenny and Madison will head Pantry Committee. Suggestion of implementing community gardens brought up.

  6. Business Relations – Lin will continue to head Business Relations committee

  7. Communications – (Lin) request for anyone with experience with sending email blasts, Facebook posts, etc. to help with drafting of items such as Newsletters, postcards, etc. – Madison Hibler volunteered to partner with Lin on these items. Suggestion of listing meetings coming up on ABC webpage as a post.

  8. Civic Engagement – Lin will continue to head Civic Engagement committee. Brief recap of Transportation meeting held. Ideas about reviewing the walk/roadways in and around Echo Hollow with assistance from U of O graduate students. Reminder of importance of Bethel in public comments to help foster interest and positive changes for area. Additional discussion about possibly setting up either a new committee or a sub-committee for issues of homeless in the Bethel area. Board members requested to keep their ear to the ground to see how people in the community feel regarding the issue(s) as well as their thoughts about the Rest Stop Program location off Empire Pond. Find ways to address any negative push back by being supportive and trying to foster a positive community outlook.

  9. Recycling – Proposal for leader for committee- Emily Pyle volunteered and accepted.

  10. Bylaws – Point person confirmed as Ed.

  11. Social Equity Work Group – Travis will head Social Equity with Diane Behling.

. 8:30–motion to adjourn made by: Lin


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