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Active Bethel Citizens Executive Board Meeting Minutes


OnlineMay 19th, 2021, 7-8:30pm (PST)

Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Ed Farren, Sarah Warren, Emily Pyle, Suzanne O’Shea, Jenny Boyd, Ethan Clevenger and Travis Johannes

Absent: Amie Anderson-Forbis

One members of the public joined: Doug Myers

Guest speaker: Ryan Moore

7:08 Meeting was called to order by: Lin

– Motion to approve agenda made by: Lin.

1st: Ed, 2nd: Suzanne

7:08 – Unanimous approval by Board

7:09 – Floor opened for public comment

– Doug Myers spoke about items interested in having help initiating:

Doug Myers moved to Eugene a few years ago and lives near a walking path east of Golden Gardens.  Has noticed graffiti starting to show up with regularity and had been working to cover up those displays using own paint and supplies.  Has reached out to the City to see about hiring an artist to do artwork.  Was interested in creating artwork/mural along fences on back lots that join the walking path.  Would ABC be willing to reach out to residents through a newsletter to see about gaining public support/interest in the project? – additionally to see if local residents would be alright with the proposed design by an artist for a mural for this walking path.

  1. Lin – What would prevent re-tagging of site?

  2. Doug – Had seen similar artwork used on metal boxes near traffic signals Terry/Barger that has seemed to have less graffiti on that site after artwork was put in place. Eugene City had given consent for that project.

  3. Suzanne- Possibly could reach out to Boy Scouts for assistance with painting or reach out to Bethel School District for volunteers.

  4. Doug – Had been a Bethel School bus driver and would be willing to reach out to people about project assistance.

  5. Suzanne – Boy Scouts at Bethesda would be able to also help keep the site in good standing; clean.

  6. Ethan – What would be the parameters to make this project work? How best could ABC board assist?

  7. Doug – Advertising might help to get neighborhood interest; in particular reaching out to the immediate residents that would be most impacted by this art piece.

  8. Lin – Google maps might help determine the area and neighborhoods that would be near.

  9. Suzanne – Newsletter might pique interest by within the Bethel/Danebo area.

  10. Lin – Could make a list for artists. Additionally, might be able to do a matching grant for the chosen artist to help fund the design/construction of mural.

  11. Doug – City of Eugene has mentioned artists that might be interested but needed to have a clearly defined budget/ideas first.

  12. Lin – Board can apply for matching grant in July and might be able to help.

  13. Sarah – Possibly Beautification committee might be able to help oversee project.

  14. Doug – Requested that a request be sent for Beautification committee to see about collaboration.

In addition, Doug M. also spoke about concern regarding the Beltline traffic and ODOT’s long term project to create a bridge parallel off Willamette to connect Green Acre/River Road without use of Beltline. Talked to the City of Eugene and would like to connect with officials to generate interest in transportation issues for Bethel residents. In an event of an emergency (natural or otherwise) Bethel area could be isolated, infrastructure wise. Would like state/city officials to help make this a priority.

  1. Lin – Possibly the ABC safety committee could assist with connecting city officials to discuss this subject.

  2. Suzanne – Is bridge part of current construction?

  3. Doug – No – not at the moment. Needs to have initial research completed before work begins (i.e. engineering study, money designated, etc.).

  4. Lin – Good project to discuss with Julie Fahey, Peter DeFazio and Greg Evans to go over details, ideas. During next general meeting in July could discuss this project.

  5. Doug – Shout out to Emily Pyle- great work with the recycling project!

7:32: No board hours discussed as Aime was absent. Skipping over One on One’s.

7:33: Ryan Moore – Shared screen as part of presentation about overview of the Board of Springfield/Eugene Tennant Association and efforts to curb No Cause Evictions.

Different type of Evictions for landlords:

1.) For Cause – Per state law- tenant gets to appeal.

2.) No Cause – Allows for 30-90 day timeline before tenant to leave in general.

The ways in which this can be invoked in a small list of offenses- renter’s data and hotline suggests that the No Cause Evictions are being misused impacting disproportionately seniors, people with disabilities and families. With high rental prices in Eugene and the possibility of needing to pay 1st, last and security deposit in order to move into a new location can place low-income resident in a position of becoming homeless due to high cost of rent.

Proposal being submitted to City to help ease this issue in order to reduce mis-use of evictions but also help preserve protections of property owners.

  1. Suzanne – Will changes reduce the number of rentals offered by property owners? Would this hurt property owners?

  2. Ryan – Shared screen regarding the impacts for those renting/offering rental property – in particular looking at proposal that when No Cause Evictions are invoked that the tenant could receive compensation in order to help allow them to find a new rental location.

  3. Ethan – Could a rental agreement be written to waive No Cause Eviction option?

  4. Ed – Did not believe people could give up rights.

  5. Ethan – Might this caveat mean that landlords might take property off the market? Would the rental landscape want to move to being operated by large rental companies vs. private?

  6. Ryan – Couple of points to clarify:

1.) Addressing fear if “X” policy is in place that there would be an exodus of small rental properties – based on knowledge of rental landscape the possibility of this shrinking is low.

2.) No Cause Eviction use – predominantly used by small property owners – not large rental companies.

  1. Suzanne – Any stats as to why private rentals are evicting so much?

  2. Ryan – Oregon Law Center data is seeing large number of No Cause Evictions which fall more under the category of being For Cause Evictions. This misuse of evictions is causing problems as noted previously.

  3. Ethan – Who does the enforcement responsibility fall on?

  4. Ryan – Goes to a court and worked through the system which makes it harder to use the No Cause Eviction or alternately encourages the use of For Cause Evictions.

  5. Lin – Is board ready to vote or do we require more information before agreeing?

  6. Ryan – Did want to add that part of the proposal includes a fund for landlords to help pay the tenant when having to move.

  7. Suzanne- Where would this money for fund come from?

  8. Ryan – A $10 annual fee paid to the city. This fee pool could then be accessed to assist with Relocation assistance.

  9. Lin – Shared her screen providing additional details on this topic.

  10. Ethan – Would this $10 fee be applicable to Month-to-Month vs a Term lease?

  11. Ryan – This would help provide stop gap measure when property owner does a 6-month agreement – referenced Senate bill 608 in 2019 that passed prohibiting No Cause Evictions after 1 year.

  12. Lin – Is ABC Board ready to vote to approve without contributing time or money?

1st: Ed, 2nd: Travis

Jenny, Ethan and Suzanne- Opposed wanting to instead have time to learn more about proposal.

Vote 5:3 – Remaining Board members approved support (without contribution of time/money).

  1. Ryan- Would be happy to work with those members who have concerns to provide more data.

8:06 – New Business:

RV Corral meeting (Lin)- If they can make it for the July meeting then meeting will go ahead. Otherwise, if unable to attend on 7/16/2021 then it can be moved to 7/22/2021.

8:08 – J.H. Baxter (Lin/Ed) – Class action lawsuit going forward against J.H. Baxter. Ed sent out email.

  1. Suzanne – Will Beyond Toxics be present at next meeting?

  2. Lin – Group meets each month and anyone is free to join.

  3. Ed – Can learn a lot of information from the meetings.

8:12 – Yard Sale (Lin) – Bethel Yard Sale with maps as part of community outreach to find neighbors to participate. Anyone on the Event Committee interested?

  1. Suzanne – A lot of people not vaccinated which is a concern.

  2. Ed – Can the Yard sale be outdoors?

  3. Lin – Lots of contact, including touching items – maybe a newsletter next year about holding one.

8:14 – Committee Reports:

  1. 8:03 – Finance – Suzanne sent out financial report to board in prior email. Money from Recycling event paid for Truck rental.

  2. 8:15 – Events – Lin – Hand sanitizer – gave away 60 cases of hand sanitizer to local businesses (River Road, Bethel). Possible local scavenger hunt for Bethel Business Alliance still in planning stage.

  3. 8:17 – Public Safety – Ed spoke about Eugene emergency plan recently released. The plan highlights the areas of potential hazards could hit, etc. Our neighborhood plan would need to be more tailored for Bethel and what that would look like (earthquakes, fires, floods, etc.).

  4. Lin – Committee meeting to start work on this topic?

  5. Ed – Need volunteers to start – would meet monthly.

  6. Lin – Should we connect with different residents? What would the outreach look like?

  7. Ed – Can see about working with River Road/Santa Clara.

  8. Suzanne – Bethel school disaster?

  9. Sarah – Could invite local firefighters/police/medics for help.

  10. Lin – Can check on that at general meeting. Sarah/Ed to help.

– 8:24- Beautification – Travis – Close to finalizing details for herb garden at Peterson Barn. Waiting to finalize details with the City of Eugene- Hoping to start putting garden in place beginning in June. Might have late plantings but will need to prep the site prior.

  1. 8:28 – Pantry – Jenny – Mailbox store, container was full and picked up for distribution. Still good donation amounts coming in but will need more shopping lists.

  2. 8:29 – Business Relations – Lin – Hand sanitizer outreach a success.

  3. 8:29 – Budget – (Lin/Suzanne) Money from City of Eugene to ABC for $20,000 for outreach. Will need to determine how best to use this money.

8:32 – Communications – (Lin) – Could use some help with these items.

  1. Jenny – What help is needed?

  2. Lin – Help drafting newsletter, posting, etc.

  3. Suzanne – Could instructions be supplied as to help with these items?

8:35 – Recycling – 5/15 Emily Pyle – Successful recycling event. 5 cubic yards for plastics and have a waiting list.

8:37 – Bylaws – Lin – Only changed the legal name on proposal. Want to begin to have the new name added to Choose Kindness signs, etc.

  1. Ed – Sent revised Bylaws – vote to approve?

  2. Lin – Screen shared items for ABC Board to approve.

  3. Board – Reviewed Bylaws – made changes.

8:53 – Motion to approve Bylaws proposed by Lin

1st: Ed, 2nd: Suzanne

Board approved Bylaws updates.

8:53 – Social Equity – Travis/Lin – No meeting – need to move meeting to a new date- Travis will send out new meeting invite.

– 8:57 – Motion to adjourn made by: Lin

Approved by board.


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