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Active Bethel Citizens Executive Board Meeting Minutes



August 18th, 2021, 7-8:30pm (PST)

Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Travis Johannes, Amie Anderson-Forbis , Ed Farren, Sarah Warren, Suzanne O’Shea, Jenny Boyd, Ethan Clevenger, Charlie Sterling

Absent: Emily Pyle and Ryan Josef-Maier

Guest Speaker: Randy Groves – City Council

7:02: Meeting was called to order by: Tai

– Motion to approve agenda made by: Lin – shared screen to show agenda.

1st: Sarah

2nd: Suzanne

7:04 – Unanimous approval by Board

7:08: Randy Groves – guest speaker. Provided some updates on community development items. Two Safe Sites opening soon for homeless. Proud of the support provided by local business in West Eugene towards these projects. Pastor Gabe has also been helping people gain employment through programs. Businesses have started helping to provide needed resources for homeless such as sanitation, water and seeing that homeless communities are responding with positive results by acting as times as defacto night watch to help report issues, etc.

9/15: Ordinance ADU should go forward for votes with the City Council.

  1. Ed- Are CERTS being deployed?

  2. Mr. Groves – To clarify, city is not restricted from deploying CERTs- in a disaster most likely they would be to assist until emergency response teams could arrive. If anyone hears differently please reach out to Mr. Groves so that any additional research can be done.

  3. Suzanne- What are the locations for the Safe Spots proposed?

  4. Mr. Groves: 60 sites near LTD. Additionally 2nd site near Chase Gardens – smaller area to house up to 20 people. Rest Stops are have been being kept clean and orderly with residents taking pride/having a sense of community. This community and personal investment in rest spots help to identify those who might wish to do harm as accountability is crucial for these “neighborhoods” to prosper and be safe. Currently seeing up to 178 new faces a month at these sites. Important stepping stone for becoming self-reliant in current housing crises. Regarding low income housing, Section 8 revolves around people having 30% of their income going towards rent. Working on the next affordable housing program(s) to try and develop living wage jobs which go hand in glove with developing affordable housing.

  5. Suzanne – Is there an update about Golden Gardens Ponds land use?

  6. Mr. Groves – Not sure about use at moment for that site. Would need good access, sanitation, fencing for security, water, etc. Trying to get people to be productive/contributing.

7:17: Meeting minutes put forth to be approved – July

1st: Ed

2nd: Suzanne

7:18: Meeting minutes approved by board

7:19: ABC hours spreadsheet updates- Aime. Reminder to get those to Aime who shared her screen of her tracking spreadsheet. Introduction to newest board members as to use and need of the neighborhood annual report of members time as a way to help streamline this approach.

7:23: Bylaws – Ed- Screen share of bylaws under review. Board went over bylaws to sure of consistency.

  1. Suzanne- questions about some of the bylaws

  2. Board went over items to fine tune wording

7:46: Motion to approve bylaws – Lin

1st: Charlie

2nd: Suzanne

7:47: Motion carried by board

7:47: Endorsement of Ad Hoc Committee Police Policy recommendations

letter to city – Lin

  1. Lin screen shared with board

  2. Suzanne – clarification of wording on letter

  3. Lin – provided a revised letter sent out earlier in that day

7:52: Motion to approve – Lin

1st: Suzanne

2nd: Charlie

Board approves letter.

7:53: Brainstorming session follow up – Lin – screen shared items:

Beautification ideas – intersection artwork

– Suzanne – Suggested a mural on the Bethel library and roundabout at Greenhill as artwork candidates.

– Charlie – Could electrical boxes be painted?

– Ed- Suggested painting fire hydrants in the community

– Suzanne – Were there any regulations regarding painting the hydrants?

– Ed – Some needed certain markings – i.e. blue paint marker

– Mr. Groves – The city has encouraged artwork but not get approval from Fire department or EWEB with regards to any that may need to have markers for crews to increase ease of visibility. I.E. leaving the top part unpainted for use, certain colors such as yellow indicate low flow water hammer, etc.

– Sarah – Perhaps the location fire stations might be interested in coordinating with the design and hydrants used.

Beekeeping was discussed as a part of the larger beautification effort:

– Suzanne – reached out to a contact with the Lane County Beekeepers Association who teaches bee keeping. Additionally, the Bethel School District has a students who help to manage the Bethel farm.

Indigenous artwork: Lin provided an update – has reached out to the Long House at the University of Oregon (U of O) and got contacts to see who could help with design ideas to be used.

– Charlie – Reminder that 9/18 is Museum Day at the U of O.

Possible addition to door hangers to include information regarding if anyone was interested in setting up bee pathways throughout residential areas. Possible information about bee keeping as a supplement to the pathways.

Parole building in the four corners area – Tai – no new information found out regarding full services.

8:15: Safe Place locations: Lin shared screen – Business that have those signs have been screened and follow very specific steps for deescalation of tense situations.

Lin posted website for information on ABC website; Facebook.

– Mr. Groves: LTD buses are also considered to be safe spaces as well.

– Charlie- suggest a neighborhood block yard sale in 2022 – split by evacuation zones

– Jenny – If no yard sale is possible could an event be set up to give away items?

– Suzanne – Concerns about COVID spreading in such events.

8:22: Evacuation Zones: Lin shared screen – know your Zone map. Board discussed giving names to zones to help distinguish them more easily.

– Tai – Are there sizes to the zones? How big are they?

– Charlie – Someone could be listed/act as a central hub for residents.

– Lin – Perhaps two per zone? Would need to know number of homes in each zone to help determine.

– Suzanne – Would the City know those numbers?

– Ed- Google maps might be able to be used to estimate sizes.

Charlie also shared screen with possible names for these zones with the Board.

Events update: Lin discussed the Boo Barn – Last year, it was noted as a newsletter article. Had included coupons however this part was not as successful but can reach out to business again to see if this is of interest.

– Suzanne – Maybe charms that people can gather from local business might be a different way to involve businesses. Residents would be able to go to different business to pick up their charm.

8:42 – Committee Reports:

  1. 8:39 – Finance – Suzanne sent out financial report to board in prior email. Almost $450 raised from cans/bottles redeemed.

– 8:43 – Events – Lin discussed the upcoming Gilbert Park and Mangan Park:

– Gilbert Park: 10/9 – From 2-3pm for a tree walk. Then 10/16 – From 1-3pm will be a door hanger canvassing project.

– Mangan Park: 9/11 – 2-3pm is a tree walk. Then on 9/25 from 1-3pm will be the door hanger canvassing project.

*** Both canvasing events will need volunteers to help with door hanger distribution. Please reach out to Lin Woodrich if interested. ***

8:49 – Civic Engagement: Lin – Meeting coming up with new HRNI engagement liaison on 9/1 – Zoom meeting. E-blast was sent out about the vaccination clinics. The ABC newsletter is close to going out.

8:54: Charlie- Can trees be planted along roadways?

– Lin – City has a list of areas but Friends of Trees is helping the public spaces eligible.

8:55: Lin – Screen shared for look at newsletter.

8:56: Lin – Dove lane development on newsletter. Will also reflect elections coming up for the ABC board, an update for Gilbert Park and Evacuation zones.

– 9:02 – Public Safety – Ed – 9/12 – Eugene Ready Event for emergency exercise disaster fair. Eugene neighborhood council 12-5. CERTS – trainings offered, free lunch, possible disaster supply vendors.

– Charlie – is there a website to sign up?

– Ed – Will send out link to register- event is free – Amazon Park location.

– 9:05: – Beautification – Travis – Gilbert Park clean up – was successful. Continued work being done on herb garden at Petersen Barn.

  1. 9:06:- Pantry – Lin – One barrel is to be picked up from Eugene Textile location due to few donations.

– 9:07: Business Relations – Lin – Continuing to work on Business Alliance ideas.

– 9:08: Recycling – Lin – Bonnie is leaving area and will need to have board work to come up with ideas for this committee.

– 9:09: Bylaws – Ed – Still being worked on but hoping for resolution/updates to be completed soon.

– 9:10: Social Equity – Travis- Committee merging with River Roads to help have great access to more ideas, resources, etc.

– Suzanne- when is the next meeting?

– Travis – Possibly 9/1 – waiting on details.

– 9:10: – Motion to adjourn made by: Tai

Approved by board.


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