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Active Bethel Citizens Executive Board Meeting Minutes



September 15th, 2021, 7-8:30pm (PST)

Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Travis Johannes, Ed Farren, Sarah Warren, Suzanne O’Shea, Jenny Boyd, Ethan Clevenger, Charlie Sterling, Ryan Josef-Maier, Zach Mulholland

Absent: Amie Anderson-Forbis and Emily Pyle

Guest: Robert Brack – HRNI and Fabio

7:02: Lin screen shared with agenda.

7:04: Public comments – Zach Mulholland – no comments to present.

7:05: Board meeting minutes motion to approve – from August

1st: Charlie

2nd: Ryan

Board approves August meeting minutes

7:06: Time spreadsheet please submit to Amie

7:06: By laws – Charter – Ed:

About 2 1/2 minutes pages move to be reviewed and possible updates. Brought up that city recommends having a nomination committee in place prior to elections for a board.

Possibly might need for one to be set up?

Lin – 10/20 – elections for ABC board to be held.

Ed- not sure nomination committee is able not be set up?

Tai – Procedures to be set up using HRNI advice – freeing up democracy for community to choose.

Ed- 1984 – inherited charter- good to make updates.

7:10: Letter to City – Lin shared screen about Amirante street and Dove street – transparency regarding traffic calming request.

7:12: Vote motion to approve

1st: Travis

2nd: Charlie

Zach – What is traffic calming?

Lin – Speed study to see if a problem exists and then can plan solutions such as roundabouts, etc.

Robert – City has list of kinds of proposals for traffic calming.

Ryan – would like Royal to be included.

Lin – Some sort of traffic calming to be put in place.

7:18: Letter approved by board.

7:18: Community Planning – Robert:

No set time line or agenda- regarding capacity building members of community need to be involved.

– Lin – part of budget for capacity to be used as part of development. Maybe use a stipend to have dedicated folks?

  1. Robert – Take stock of what we do have, and develop events to build those relationships. Civic engagement team @ABC to help develop.

  2. Ryan – Capacity to do what? Strengthen relations, etc.?

  3. Robert – engagement of residents in neighborhood plan.

  4. Suzanne – Does city have a list of groups/organizations?

  5. Robert – Out reach list – there are some that might be useful.

  6. Suzanne – Does not need to be Bethel.

  7. Fabio – A list can be used once it is down what the neighborhood/community wants- this will also help drive participation. 13% of Bethel population is Latino for example. What do different segments of residents want?

  8. Jenny – To access city funds, do we need a form? No clear example – are these in place?

  9. Fabio – One example would be Place Identity – through this effort creates a sort of database, etc.

  10. Lin – We are Bethel – Could contact those people to help with that effort.

  11. Fabio – Just need to follow rules for general funds – if there is a specific campaign.

  12. Jenny – Can we use funds for events?

  13. Fabio – Yes, it could be used to help fund.

  14. Ed – Capacity building – does city have the ability to put this development together?

  15. Robert – When project goes live – will have dedicated staff for it. Also think support or trainings to work on inclusivity within neighborhood.

  16. Ed – Capacity development – if all put together – this data would go directly to the city.

  17. Robert – This would not be considered pre-work- it is to drive enthusiasm of residents which drives those data collection efforts.

  18. Ed – So more community organizing.

  19. Charlie – People involved – lack of in person events are a hindrance. Is there a better type of engagement techniques?

  20. Lin – Is there any safe way to do this?

  21. Robert – Host smaller events – i.e. – what can we do within the restrictions. Might consider “bite size” get together such as neighborhood blocks having a get together, etc. Will double check if ABC can target certain areas.

  22. Travis – Small events seem to be helpful.

  23. Fabio – Publications – newsletter, have to go to everyone. Can do extra reach out tactics such as fliers, etc. for a particular area however if wanting to address issues of interest/of need for certain areas.

  24. Ryan – Can we use capacity building exercised to learn different kinds of outreach. Need to come up with goals, who needs to be at the discussion table, who is missing from that table, etc. Could have community building that centers around food. Will then need to work on implementation – what is the timeline for use of these funds?

  25. Fabio – Funds good up until end of fiscal year.

  26. Jenny – Small gathering/outreach at places like Petersen Barn. Could use food cart(s) that are local to be a heritage building step. Could these funds be used to help pay for an event such as that?

  27. Lin – Perhaps could purchase a number of coupons from local food carts?

  28. Fabio – Funds will need to be used towards outreach.

  29. Suzanne- Door hangers- how is that different than other events?

  30. Lin – that is just for a newsletter however other flyers can be used.

  31. Charlie – Outreach wise – purchase plants for pollinators – would then have a follow up component.

  32. Zach – Will want to be spend the funds wisely.

  33. Ryan – Wisdom in holding small events as part of outreach efforts. Maybe approach faith centers to help with outreach and hear from as many as possible.

  34. Jenny – Block party – Maybe do a drive thru? Like the Boo Barn?

  35. Lin – Will discuss during Boo Barn at later junction.

  36. Charlie – Murals/outreach – can we do a contest? Prize for whomever wins.

  37. Robert – Training – two opportunities:

1.) Up stander or bystander training – this has a two-part training event – 9/28/2021, 10/5/2021

2.) Belonging Training – One day event on 10/21/2021

  1. Fabio – All public meetings in near the future will need to have at least a hybrid for Zoom/in person. Encourage association to do the same.

8:21: Committee Reports

8:22: Brainstorming ideas to be circled back during next meeting.

8:23: Finance (Suzanne) – Should there be a line item for the $20,000?

  1. Lin – Not part of ABC budget itself- it is part of city budget.

  2. Suzanne – Could list funds as an “Other” line item.

  3. Tai – Money question for the allotted $20,000 is outside ABC budget.

8:24: Events – (Lin) – Screen shared about upcoming events:

Tree walk – Great experience – Erik – excellent guide.

  1. Suzanne – Any tree tables?

  2. Lin – None that were seen.

Will have some more tree canopy growth events planned:

9/25 – Door hangers – will need volunteers for canvassing neighborhoods to leave informational door hangers.

– Charlie and Jenny volunteered for that day.

10/9 – Gilbert Park walk

Boo Barn coming up for Halloween – Pumpkins handed out and business coupons last year – Should we do this again? Or maybe specific coupons?

8:29: Civic Engagement – (Lin) – Jessen Ponds has applied for an annexation.

8:29: Bethel – Friends of Trees – Businesses to help donate to plant trees. Climate action engineer from the city of Eugene and their help with these plantings.

8:30: Public Safety – (Ed) – COAD (Community Organization Association Disaster) help assist people affected by disaster. Collaborating to help develop emergency plan for neighborhood – Floods/Earthquakes for our area most likely. For Bethel to join – must commit something that you can use as aid for neighbors.

8:37: Beautification – (Travis) – work is continuing on herb garden at Petersen Barn.

  1. Charlie – people are working on getting additional donations. Next Monday for next meeting to plan next work day.

  2. Ryan – Food for Lane county – might have some starts that could be donated – will email contact.

8:46: Pantry – (Jenny)

  1. Lin – Members helped to pick up the food barrels with donations. Harvest time – question if surplus could be included?

8:47: Recycling – (Emily) – follow up for next week.

8:48: Social Equity (Travis/Lin) – Will follow up about another meeting.

8:49: Motion to adjourn – Tai

Board approves.


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