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Active Bethel Citizens Executive Board Meeting – July 15, 2020


Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Ethan Clevenger, Janice Kerber, Suzanne O’Shea, Ed Farren, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Heather Quaas-Annsa

Absent: Douglas Barr, Pennie Moblo, Jenelle Boyd, Bonnie Stone

Guests: Kathleen Boggie

Meeting was called to order at 7:09 by Ethan.

  1. Motion to approve agenda made by Ed, seconded by Heather and approved.

Open Floor Comments:

  1. Kathleen Boggie contacted Lin to express concern about speeding on Candlelight Dr. and the need for speed bumps. This issue will be referred to Hilary Mankofsky with the Safe Routes to Schools, and Matt with Eugene Public Works.

Old Business:

  1. Motion made to approve May and June Executive Board Meeting Minutes and June General Meeting Minutes by Suzanne and seconded by Ed. Motion passed.

  2. LTD has not responded with input to route changes. Since they have not responded we should check webpage to see if there is a way to make comments online.

  3. Board email votes since last meeting (Janice)

  4. Anti-racism: The following statement was approved and announced at the June General Meeting.

“The Active Bethel Citizens Board stands in support of Black lives in our community and in solidarity with the fight for equality and justice for communities of color. We want to express to our membership that we stand against racial discrimination and police brutality. It is our goal as a neighborhood organization of the most diverse neighborhood in Eugene to ensure all our members feel safe and welcome here. As a Board we want to invite community partners and members to join and challenge us as we strive to do – and demand – better.”

  1. The board voted to support the launching of Open Streets in Bethel starting mid-July through mid-September. Streets proposed are Hawthorne, Baxter, Bell and Gilbert.

New Business:

  1. Bethel Business Alliance (BBA) update (Lin)

  2. There were 630 entries for the Scavenger Hunt. Seven people went to 15 or more businesses. Lin was unable to get in touch with one of the grand prize winners and another entry form was drawn July 9. The winner is Mary Ann Hall.

  3. There are many email addresses from the entry forms that will need to be added to our membership list. Ethan volunteered to do this.

  4. Nineteen businesses took part in the Scavenger Hunt as well as other businesses that have asked to be included in the directory that did not take part in the hunt. Ethan has volunteer to enter this information.

  5. Tree planting along Hwy 99 was suggested as the next BBA project, possibly along with Trainsong Neighbors so that both sides of Hwy 99 will be included. Trees can be purchased from Friends of Trees ($35) and free bark-a-mulch can be obtained.

  6. Toolbox Project discussion (Ethan)

  7. Toolbox Project is a small tool and power tool rental organization that rents tools to members for a small fee. Information about this program has been emailed to all board members.

  8. A discussion followed about whether we should promote this program. Suzanne will check to see if there is a tool rental business on Hwy 99, and if so we might not want to promote this program.

  9. Recap of Black Unity March on July 6 that started at Petersen Barn (Heather)

  10. March for the most part was well received with many neighbors along the route coming out of their homes to thank marchers. There were a few neighbors who came out with guns.

  11. Lin read the board’s anti-racism statement and announced the Social Justice ZOOM meeting on July 29 at 7:00.

  12. Social Justice ZOOM meeting on July 29, 7:00.

  13. Lin has been working with Rene at the Human Rights and Neighborhood Involvement (HRNI) office.

  14. The plan is to have a trained facilitator. Fabio and Kaz will attend and they have been trained in social justice.

  15. Jo Staniak, who has started a Facebook page, will help with the questions.

  16. Elections coming up in September (Lin)

  17. There was a discussion about whether to accept nominations in advance and have candidates submit a write-up. We decided against this because having candidates announce their intention in advance might discourage members from nominating themselves at the meeting.

  18. A poll may be taken.

  19. The meeting will be held on ZOOM on Wednesday, Sept 16 (3rd Wednesday of the month).

  20. Review of ABC 2020 Goals and revise as needed (Lin)

  21. Lin emailed the list of goals before the meeting for our review.

  22. Action items need to be set for each goal and they need to be prioritized.

Committee Reports:

  1. Finance (Suzanne emailed the Treasurer’s Report to board members prior to the meeting).

  2. Events (Lin emailed the committee report prior to the meeting).

  3. See Better Business Alliance update for information about the Scavenger Hunt under New Business.

  4. We Are Bethel is scheduled for May 22, 2021.

  5. Public Safety (Lin emailed the committee report prior to the meeting).

  6. See Open Floor Comments for possible addition of speed bumps on Candlelight Drive.

  7. Beautification – no committee report.

  8. Food Pantry (Janice)

  9. Willamette School Food Pantry is slowing down for the summer months.

  10. Kalapuya School Food Pantry (inside the school) is not open for the summer, however, the KHS staff and other volunteers have been manning a Produce Plus Pantry behind Prairie Mountain School. Several weeks ago 360 25-pound boxes of mixed vegetables were distributed so a lot of food is going into the community from that pantry. The pantry is open Tuesdays and Fridays from 11:00-3:00.

  11. Business Relations

  12. See Better Business Alliance report under New Business.

  13. Communications

  14. We have enough Human Rights and Neighborhood Involvement (HRNI) funds for 2 newsletters this period.

  15. Early August newsletter to announce recycling in August and possibly an article about the BBS and scavenger hunt and one about the anti-racism meeting scheduled for July 29.

  16. Early September newsletter to announce the board elections on September 16 to include board positions and responsibilities.

  17. Civic Engagement Team (Lin emailed the committee report prior to the meeting)

  18. Reminder that all residents are encouraged to attend the City Council meetings to support the Civic Engagement Team as they promote Building a Better Bethel. The first strategy is continued neighborhood engagement and capacity building. The process was begun with our June bi-lingual newsletter and the BBS Scavenger Hunt.

  19. Next meeting with be on ZOOM on July 29, 7:00-8:00 to discuss social justice.

  20. Future meetings will continue to discuss the BBA. Brittany Quick-Warner with the Eugene Chamber has agreed to partner with us to help the businesses. We need to circulate questionnaires to assess their needs. (See New Business for more information about BBA.)


  1. Recycling (Ethan)

  2. We decided to have a recycling drive in August as long as everyone wore a mask, stayed 6 feet apart and people dropping off recycling understood that it would require some waiting in line to have their recycling checked.

  3. As always, recycling must be clean with labels removed.

  4. Bylaws – no committee report.

8:44 – motion to adjourn made by Suzanne, seconded b


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