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2nd ABC Zone Park #9 Event Saturday, June 4 from 10:00am-2:00pm


Please join us THIS SATURDAY for our Active Bethel Community ZONE 9 PARK Event at State Street Park (on Dakota Street off Barger) from 10am-2pm.

We have canopies if it rains, so don’t let the weather stop you!

To highlight Emergency Evacuation Zones in Bethel, we are having Zone Park Events in each of the five Bethel zones. State Street Park is in Zone 9. Boundaries are: Clear Lake Rd on north; Barger Drive on south; Green Hill Rd on west; Beltline Hwy & Hwy 99 on east.

We will also have an activity for residents to paint your own Zone 9 sign which will be attached to a Reader Board for you in the future.

We have the Cascade Middle School Jazz Band playing at 11am; El Taller de son Jarocho Latin Band playing at NOON; Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) will answer air quality questions; Ready NW Eugene will have information about Emergency Preparedness; Boys & Girls Club will be there with an activity; ABC will have Bethel Visioning Surveys for Bethel residents to fill out with their top three likes and dislikes (Bi-Mart and Jerry’s have provided generous raffle prizes at the ABC booth).

We will also have two special girls from the Oregon All American Girl Youth Development Program helping in our ABC rock and Zone sign painting booth!

Dogs Gone Coastal hot dog truck and Bea’s Ice Cream will also join us for this event where you can purchase your lunch and enjoy the entertainment!



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